Art Linkletter used to do program in which he highlighted the funny things that kids say. Later Bill Cosby did the same sort of show. Locally, there is a lady who does a newspaper column in which funny things are recounted.
This forum represents hundreds and even thousands of people - many of whom have childen, or at least are around children. Can we post those funny statements that only a kid would make? And brighten some days along the way?
This was prompted by my recent experience with my almost three year old grandson. I work a very early shift - my alarm sounds at 1 AM, and I don't get home usually till after 6 PM. So, Wifey keeps the g-children quiet with a movie and popcorn on Friday and Saturday evenings. Often, my little buddy - my grandson - wants to come to bed with me [though he usually gets up shortly to watch the movie]. He had come to bed with me Friday night, and when we lay down, he said he wanted us to say a prayer. [ He is in that habit from the nightly prayers with his Grandma]. So I began 'God, we thank you for our family, for sister N and sister P, and P & J, and for our home.' He repeated along everything I said adding little tidbits. He said ' 'God, we thank you for our family, for sister N and sister P, and P & J, and for our home and for helicopters and fire engines too.'
It was hard for me to keep from laughing - but to him helicopters and fire engines are a real gift from God I suppose.
Anyway- it seemed funnier in real life.
Any stories to share?