Great Books Thread

by Open mind 119 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    Get the 25th anniversary edition. Pirsig's new intro in that edition is VERY helpful.

    Thanks. I will.

    Also, thanks for the Henry Miller info. All I read was Tropic of Cancer.

    Open Mind

  • Mulan
    I'm impressed you've made it through Michener's stuff. A lot of folks won't even pick him up when they see how thick the book is. I made it about 1/4 of the way through Hawaii.

    I know what you mean. The books are very thick, but you can put it down for awhile and come back to it. It's a committment of time to read them, but they are so full of geology, history and facts, and a great story, usually, that the ones I've read have hooked me. I tried to read some of his other books and "snore..........................", couldn't do it.

    Hawaii is the best though. My husband has read all of Michener's books and still says Hawaii is the best. If you've ever been to Hawaii, I think it's a must read.

  • Seeker4


    I think it was Michener's The Source that has an interesting take on Biblical times, and kind of gave me quite a different, non-WTS-drama view of what those times were more realistically like.

    The movie Hawaii, based on Michener's novel, had its opening New England-based scenes filmed in Walpole, NH, which is the next village over from where I live. Michener visited during the filming.

  • JeffT

    In now particular order and not possible to keep to 5:

    The Bible

    The Prophet, by Kahil Girbran

    The Fixer, Bernard Malamud (sp?)

    A whole bunch of stuff by Robert Heinlein

    The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

    The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution and various books about them.

    Stand on Zanzibar, John Brunner

    Lord of the Flies

    A bunch of stuff by Faulkner

    A bunch of stuff by Shakespeare

    Plato's Republic

    A bunch of stuff by Hemmingway

    Did I mention that I was an English major with a minor in history? (and an unpublished novelist)

    For the record, I can't stand Jane Austen.

  • Seeker4

    Here's the Henry Miller quote that I love so much, one of hundreds:

    "I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive."

    THAT's living the tao!!


  • Mulan
    I think it was Michener's The Source that has an interesting take on Biblical times, and kind of gave me quite a different, non-WTS-drama view of what those times were more realistically like.

    The movie Hawaii, based on Michener's novel, had its opening New England-based scenes filmed in Walpole, NH, which is the next village over from where I live. Michener visited during the filming.

    I read quite a bit of The Source about 30 years ago, when I would never have entertained ideas the JW's weren't the truth. I finally had to take it back to the library, as I had renewed it more than they would let me, to check it out again. I think we finally bought one and Dave read it, and loved it.

    The move Hawaii, was a good movie, but pretty different from the book. Entertaining though.

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose
    That is Alex Trebek w/no shirt, right?

    Why, yes. Yes, it is. He needs to grow back that mustache.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Ok Amber, what's the story?

    Don't leave me hanging!

    Inquiring minds want to know! Do you find Alex Trebek attractive? What does Drew Sagan think about this?

    Open Mind

  • Flowerpetal

    I have read soooo many books in my lifetime it's hard to say what has impressed me the most, but here are some favorites:

    Crisis Of Conscience and In Search Of Christian Freedom - Ray Franz

    The Partner by John Grisham

    the Sci-Fi series of books about the planet, Darkover, by Marion Zimmer Bradley....many, many novels and additional short stories by contributors who understand the culture she has created.

    All the Tennessee Williams plays;

    The Watchers by Dean Koontz;

    The Autobiography ofMalcom X;

    many Stephen King books;

    Confessions of aFailedSouthern Lady, by Florence King (this is a truly LOL book)

    The Demon-Haunted World - Science as a Candle in the Dark by Carl Sagan

    The Handbook For Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Ed Murphy (excellent)

    White Oleander by Janet Fitch

    The Gospels and the books of Peter, James, Jude and the epistles of John

  • uninformed

    Mulan--I tried to read "The Source" and Hawaii, but could not pull it off (probably about 25 years ago--Should try again) But I did read "Chesapeake" and loved the first half, but hated the modern part. Michener is great, I'm sure but not quite my cup of tea.

    The saga type novels makes me remember, "The Thornbirds"-- Great read by Kathleen McCollough (sp)?

    Eclipse I agree with you that Intensity was the only Koontz book that I enjoyed too.

    Parilipmenon--I am going to put The Alchemist on my list.

    I also intend to read the Tao since so many of you recommend it.


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