Is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society an Anti-Christ Organization?

by OUTLAW 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truthsearcher

    Once when I was talking with a Witness about Jesus, she responded in exasperation: "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! I am so tired of hearing about Jesus! What about JEHOVAH?"

    I'll have to admit that I was somewhat scandalized and deeply disturbed and saddened by this blatant "ANTI-CHRISTIAN" sentinment, and I may have even stepped back a bit in case a lightening bolt happened to come down from on high.

    I think it is more important to know if Jesus himself would identify them as being Anti-Christian. I think this passage from Matthew 7 indicates the he would:

    15 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. 21 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' 23 Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I think Truthsearcher has hit upon the correct asessment here; The question of import is not whether the WTS has denied Jesus, but whether Jesus would deny the WTS as approved.

    Though I agree in sentiment with comments that show the Watchtower religion has denied Jesus, i.e.; forbidding the partaking of the communion, relegation of Jesus to position of 'spokesman' instead of Savior, to name a few. Jesus will judge of course, whom he 'knows' and whom he doesn't.

    In the end, it matters not if they have denied Jesus as Christ, if Jesus as Judge denies them.


  • heathen
    relegation of Jesus to position of 'spokesman' instead of Savior, to name a few.

    Not quite , the WTBTS took over that possition with the FDS dogma. More like they put a gag order on jesus and replaced him with the organization. No point in even quoting jesus while discussing an issue that the WTBTS deems as their light.


    Good Morning JWD!..Thanks to everyone who posted an opinion..I posted this question because I wanted the boards opinion on it....................Inquisitor..Many people think the WBT$ and Jehovah`s Witness`s are one in the same..They are not..WBT$ makes the rules for Jehovah`s Witness`s..Jehovah`s Witness`s have "no say" in anything.Jehovah`s Witness`s do as thier told by the WBT$........................I would have to agree with most of the posters on this thread,the WBT$ is an Anti-Christ organization.....Christians I have talked to,believe Jehovah`s Witness`s are being terribly mislead...OUTLAW

  • Inquisitor
    Christians I have talked to,believe Jehovah`s Witness`s are being terribly mislead (sic)

    Oh yes, and they would know..

    I gather you are already satisfied with your little consensus. There will always be mainstream Christians who are waiting to chime in that the WTS is the Anti-Christ. <surprise, surprise>

    But where does that leave the other candidates for this title? Churches have long accused the Roman Empire, Nero, the Pope, tzar Peter the Great, George Bush, etc of being the Anti-Christ. Now we can add WTS to the list. But for what reason? For failing to do a proper communion? For failing to glorify Jesus to the role of God? Is that all it takes to qualify? Aren't they supposed to actively go against Christ? Perhaps skewing or repressing His teachings and slaying His followers? Was that not how political tyrants of the past earned the title? WTS has accomplished this on a similar scale? How?

    No one on this thread, as yet, has addressed how it is their theology that makes them relegate Christ to Son of God, hence the "heretical" practices they adopt.


  • Inquisitor

    To those who have said they would leave the judgement to Christ, may I ask: Which Christ?

    People readily assume that the Christ they are thinking of readily agrees with their personal convictions. In their image they created Him.

    I mean, will it be the all-forgiving, ever gracious, died-for-all-your-sins Christ? Or the sword-swinging, slayer of homosexuals and violent criminals Christ? A capitalist-friendly Christ or a beggar's Christ? Which of these "Christs" will be accusing the WTS of being the anti-Christ?

    Does He even understand what is this "anti-Christ" since He never referred to it explicitly in the Gospels? Or will this be a name-calling game that only the Apostle John (only 4 times in the Bible) indulges in, which our Lord would have nothing to do with?



    Inquisitor..You disappoint me..Even the WBT$ throws a few Kernels of Corn,into their Bucket of Shit.....WBT$ will dismiss the words of Jesus from the Bible,if it interferes with their own agenda..That is a matter of history,written with the WBT$`s own pen.....What does George Bush,Peter the Great or Nero have to do with the WBT$?.....You are a "Bullsh*t Artist"..And.. Not a very good one..Try again..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Inquisitor
    What does George Bush,Peter the Great or Nero have to do with the WBT$?

    I said these been called Anti-Christs by "Christians" in the past for a whole range of reasons. Are these events absent from your history readings? So how do you justify calling the WTS the new Anti-Christ? Were previous accusations (ie. the Catholic Church, Nero etc) mistaken?

    WBT$ will dismiss the words of Jesus from the Bible

    And Christians who accept women in the pulpit, who accept the union of people of the same sex, who rally for separation of Church and State, who accept the theory of evolution, do these "dismiss the words of Jesus as well"? Shall we call them the anti-Christ too? Where do you draw the line on who is "accepting the words of Jesus"?

    I suggest you read my response again before you decide to call me names. Otherwise, go find yourself a playground and let the adults handle this discussion.



    Inquisitor.."Go find yourself a playground and let the adults handle this disscussion.".....Your on my thread Nit-Whit!.....LOL!!.....I don`t give a rats ass what other (Christian/Anti-Christ)organizations do,this thread is about the WBT$..Take all the shiny objects off your computer desk and try to concentrate..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • snowbird

    Am I missing something here? The question: Is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society an Anti-Christ Organization?

    I say YES, based on my experience and observation from a 34-year perspective. I joined up with the JW's because I believed they were a Christian organization. I had no idea at the time that they had altered the Scriptures to fit their theology.

    Jesus Christ doesn't need anyone to explain what or who He is. The Bible does an excellent job of explaining that. In fact, Jesus Christ is the reason for the Holy Scriptures in the first place. Anyone else who sees a need to add to or subtract from plain Scriptural teaching is, imo, an anti-Christ.


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