Is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society an Anti-Christ Organization?

by OUTLAW 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    Vernon Williams, here.

    I am watching Levi, so my concentration levels are not up to par.....

    The WT is anti-Christ.


    The goal, the main point of thier ministry is to destroy, demolish whatever relationship one has with Jesus. If a person does not have a "religion," The JW's goal is to see to it that a personal relationship with Jesus is NOT formed. Not matter how screwed up "Chirstian" groups are, they do not regulate Jesus to the position he holds in the mind/heart of the average JW.

    If, for some reason....I do not follow your thinking, think the JWs are "pro-Christ" in regard to the relationship one has with Jesus...well you, simply are un-schooled in JW mythology


    My take,


  • Inquisitor


    I'm fully aware who started the thread, but I don't give a hoot. If we call people names simply because we cannot comprehend why they do not agree with us, then we are not ready for a discussion, hence the playground, thread-starter or not.


    Anyone else who sees a need to add to or subtract from plain Scriptural teaching is, imo, an anti-Christ.

    There are "plain" scriptural teachings? If so, there are few who are not the Anti-Christ in your worldview. Masses of liberal Christians are guilty of theological tweaking esp with the "not-so-plain" scriptures. Little wonder that JWs would escape that labelling then. Not saying that the latter are "liberal Christians". Not at all.


    I never said that the JWs were pro-Christ. But that doesn't make them anti-Christ by default. I am fully aware that, compared to the mainstream churches, their Jesus occupies a very tamed role. But he still has a role nonetheless.

    If it is true what you say about the goal of the JW ministry: to actively "destroy/demolish whatever relationship one has with Jesus", or in the case of non-Christians to see that "a personal relationship with Jesus is NOT formed", then the WTS must be the Anti-Christ. But how is this achieved? Please elaborate.

    Throughout my years as a JW, I have never seen an active and deliberate attempt to sever the householder from Jesus. If Jesus takes a secondary role to Jehovah, it is because of their theology about the nature of Christ. And if you were ever a JW, you should already know this. The same goes for their failure to focus on developing a relationship with Jesus, it is because Jesus is merely Son of God, the focus is on Jehovah. But JWs do not remove the Gospel from their Bibles. They've published a book about Jesus. You may disagree greatly with what they have to say about him, but I don't see how their teachings are hostile towards the Son of God.

    If what the JWs teach about Christ makes them anti-Christ, are the Churches then haters of God the Father? Can I justly conclude that most mainstream Christians are "anti-Jehovah" since there is such little emphasis on Him? Can I say that they have replaced Jehovah's face with that of Jesus Christ? I could. But it wouldn't bother mainstream Christians very much. Because I suspect most of them are proudly addicted toJesus. "Fair enough", I say. "Whatever catches your fancy", I say. But it is based upon that kind devotion to Jesus, I'm guessing, that we are calling JWs/WTS the anti-Christ. Because they approach Jesus differently. And that I feel is the most pathetic reason to convict them.

    There is no way that the Jesus-fever found in Christendom can be found in JW circles. No way. But that doesn't make the JWs the Anti-Christ. They're just a different breed. They are entitled to their version of Christ as much as you are entitled to yours.

    You are welcome to convince me otherwise, though.



    Inquisitor..You are the first poster I`ve seen,to un-invite someone off their own thread..Secondly,once again you miss the point of this thread..I believe if you died and came back as a turnip,your intelligence would go up considerably..LOL!!....This thread is "Not" about JW`s!..Can you comprehend that?.....The WBT$ and JW`s are not one and the same..Can you comprehend that?.....The WBT$ has clearly instructed the JW`s to dismiss the "Words of Jesus from the Bible",when it interferes with their own agenda.....Instructing someone to ignore the "Words of Jesus from the Bible",is Anti-Christ behavior,is it not?..If not,why not?..It certainly isn`t Pro-Christ behavior!...OUTLAW

  • sf

    Take all the shiny objects off your computer desk and try to concentrate..LOL!!...OUTLAW


  • NotaNess

    I think Snowbird nailed it.

    A good thief, to look innocent will make other thiefs around him look as if they stole something, while he points and blames in order to deceive the unsuspected by-stander. The WTS is that thief.

    Call out others as "False Religion" to shift people away from them being a true False Religion, it's classic.

    They are Anti-Christ year in and year out, and the followers of this false prophet have no idea what's coming. How many studies have been done by the WT on the "false prophet" ?

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