What jobs have you done as. . .

by Lady Lee 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    OK we all have stories of "window-cleaners" but some of us had other kinds of work - that you got PAYED for (slave labor excepted)

    So what kinds of things have you done? What did you enjoy? What did you hate?

    Some may want to be cautious about what they post.

    My rather long list:

    1. waitress in a pizzeria - hated it and quit after 1 week
    2. assistant in a children's daycare - about 1 month before I got another job
    3. messenger - in the days before bike messengers - I walked to every office
    4. offset printer - I actually enjoyed this
    5. packer in a perfume factory - the small was more than I could stand - still can't buy their products
    6. clothing factory putting little pieces of material on buttons - quit after 1/2 day when I got my finger in the machine
    7. stuffing envelopes - we worked so fast they let us all go after 1/2 day
    8. car jockey - enjoyed the job but it was a dangerous time for me because I had a lot of suicidal thoughts
    9. taught sign language to hearing people
    10. interpreting for deaf students, and interpreted in medical and legal situations - also did a convention and it was so strange for people to come up and ask me for an autograph - won't see that at a KH!
    11. nursing assistant - now called personal care worker - I enjoyed this
    12. researcher for some studies done on the deaf community - liked this but it was contract work
    13. coordinator to help students with disabilities integrate into the college also contract
    14. director of a non-profit org for incest survivors - my dream job
    15. support worker in homeless shelter I liked the work better than my coworkers
    16. coordinator/counselor in women's shelters - I really enjoyed this - contract work

    I think that is all of them

    So what about you

  • Mum

    First, a question, LL. When you say you liked the job better than your co-workers, do you mean the work was more pleasant than your fellow employees or that your fellow employees didn't enjoy the job as much as you did?

    I have had a variety of jobs, too.

    Selling encyclopedias door too door at age 19 (failure!) - was never cut out for sales, was poor at making JW converts (which is a good thing)

    Waitress at Shoney's at 19 (fired for spilling drinks on customers!)

    Waitress at Howard Johnson's

    Secretary to Personnel Officer at a state mental hospital

    Sewing maching operator at upholstery company - not cut out for this either (no pun intended)

    Legal receptionist, secretary and office manager - stress, stress, stress!

    French and English teacher

    Medical transcriber - PM&R, ophthalmology, radiology, ENT, OB/GYN

    Medical office manager (lost this job to a co-worker who was doing it with the boss)

    Switchboard operator

    Domestic violence victim advocate (temp) - really liked this one

    Records Manager (not the job title, but actual job function)

    Retiree (now, but still working contract jobs)

    A gal's gotta be versatile to stay employed.



  • liquidsky

    Janitor - Hated it. But it paid my way through college.

    Video Store Clerk - That job was freaking awesome. I got paid to sit around, watch movies, and eat popcorn. It was a small town so I got maybe 10 customers a night.

    Landscaping - I had my own landscaping business for a year. It was the 'in' thing to do at the time among the JW's. It ended up costing me too much money.

    AutoCAD drafter - That was fun.

    Design Engineer- Even funner

    Now I'm the Engineering Manager. It's ok, but kinda stressful.

  • Terry


    I was a retail manager when I got married, but, I got into trouble with my hours and lack of headship.

    As a janitor I worked all night and had the day for my "service". Ha!

    I almost had a nervous breakdown.

    There were so many schemes the brothers had to keep body and soul alive for cash! Scrambling for pennies was what it was all about.

    I worked in a mobile home manufacturing plant owned by a rich family of fringe JW's. Very hard work!

    My father-in-law gave up his $15 an hour job working for General Dynamics in Fort Worth to take a $5 an hour job building trailers in a large warehouse! The "neutrality" issue stripped his family of enough finances to keep their head above water!

    This sort of thing really gets me very angry when I think about it!!

  • Mulan

    1. In high school, I worked part time at a bank, sorting and filing checks. That will show my age.

    2. I got married and raised 4 kids for about 25 years, not working outside the home. (I pioneered for a few years)

    3. My next job was cleaning houses. I hated it but the pay was good. I did that for about 10 years.

    4. Network (MLM) marketing. Very good pay, travel and I loved it.

    5. Clerk in a scrapbook store..............I loved this job until the Mormons who worked there, kind of forced me out. I quit. They gave me two weeks pay after I left, so I think they may have been afraid of a lawsuit.

    6. Bookkeeper for our family business. By far the most complicated job, but I do like it.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    • Clerk at a Dry Cleaners
    • Waitress @ Italian Restruant
    • House Cleaner
    • Shipping Recieving manager for Gift Store
    • Sales associate in a Fine Gifts Shop
    • full time mom to three boys (hardest ,but best job ever)
    • Wedding Photographer
    • School Bus driver
    • Office cleaner
  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Raised on family ranch where I took over most of the operations at age 14.
    Helped dad with commercial barn construction.
    Worked with a general contractor as a heating and air conditioning technician, but also had a brief foray into basic plumbing and electrical.
    Worked 3rd shift at a Tyson's chicken plant stacking frozen ground chicken parts on pallets.
    Cut and sold firewood briefly.
    Worked as an enumerator for the Bureau of the Census.
    Worked as a secretary for a community college English department where I was student editor of a yearly student writing publication. Also designed and built an English test question database with 2500 questions using Microsoft Access.
    Worked as a Mathematics tutor for two different colleges and English tutor for one. Also graded papers.
    Worked as sales associate for The Home Depot.
    Starting law school next month, which will be a full time job.

    I think that's about it, but I'm probably missing something.

  • jaguarbass

    Dishwasher, roofer, carpenter, grass cuter, ups truck loader, yard boy at my uncles ice cream stand. gas station attendent, factory worker, tool maker, tool inspector, inspector in a non airconditioned airconditioner manufacturing plant. News paper deliverer, office cleaner, security guard, deputy sheriff, corrections/detention officer,

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    some interesting jobs.

    For a few of mine I got a lot of experience as a dub that helped me get the jobs after I left - like the signing and nurses aide (helping care for ailing JWs) - might as well use what I learned

    First, a question, LL. When you say you liked the job better than your co-workers, do you mean the work was more pleasant than your fellow employees or that your fellow employees didn't enjoy the job as much as you did?

    I had to report one of my co-workers for abusing the people who stayed in the shelter. That didn't put me very high on the list of likeable workers. Fortunately I got the next job - double the salary for half the work and the work was more important to me

  • bigdreaux

    grocery store clerk- high school

    office depot night stocker- beginning when i went to college, hated this job, it was nothing but pioneer elders and me, sheer hell

    seaplane mechanic- was a great job until i punched the owner out, this was the beginning of the end of my being a witness

    bouncer at house of blues- totally gave up meetings. quit when i was working one night and realised i actually got tired of looking at topless women. had to quit, that's just wrong.

    auto mechanic- kinda went back to meetings, was dating a witness girl, so, i felt obligated. stopped after we got married.

    fast forward 5 years later,

    went back to meetings, was working as a mechanic- did this until katrina hit.

    still a mechanic, will never go back to meetings.

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