by juni 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • eclipse

    Juni and Mary, your stories just broke my heart...especially Juni's story about the sweet old lady in the HOT CAR!!!!

    I still would be yelling at them for this...I am so angry at the heartlessness of those people.

    I think I need to go stick my head in a pail of ice water...I'm steaming!

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I remember back in the 80's we had a CO who used to criticize all the married sisters in the cong who worked, they were all supposed to pioneer and let their husbands support them.. He said during a talk once that these sisters lacked faith in Jehovah and his abiility to provide. What an ass! Here was a guy who didn't have to worry about his expenses, because they were paid for by the congregations, and he was counseling women who had families to support about working. I remember how bad I felt for my mother who had to work full-time so that her 5 kids had enough to eat. I was about 12 years old at the time and I never forgot it, it stuck with me until the day I left. I didn't realize at the time that his words were just a reflection of the orginizational mentality, sacrifice everything for the faithful and discreet slave.

  • juni

    (((Mary and Eclipse)))

    Mary hon you were like my daughter at that age. She is so intelligent and knew at that young age that they were full of it. Out of the mouth of babes........

    Eclipse - mind if I join you?

    Love, Juni

  • ninja

    yep I should have clicked I was entering a cult when brother "charlie manson" showed me his "you are entering a cult" t shirt and introduced me to his friend Jim Jones...nicknamed "the reverend" and invited me down to the "heavens gate" pub for a kool aid cocktail or two...then off to camp at Waco...or was it Wacko camping site for a nice weekend....then we had a car koresh on the way home.....but I wasnt bothered ...I was too high on the kool aid I was giving passers by the moonie.....brainwashed ninja

  • juni

    you get an A+ on that essay ninj! That was good.

    Isn't it amazing (ah I love Aerosmith's 'Amazing' song) anyway.......the similarities in cults?

    da juni

  • nvrgnbk

    I regret not leaving the Witnesses when I left Bethel, almost 15 years ago.

    I knew it was shit then, I just wasn't ready to wake up.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    Even though I was very unhappy in the Borg, I still kept pushing myself. But the first thing that really started me thinking was when there were several Watchtower articles almost every week that would mention Rutherford's imprisonment with the seven other men and how this fulfilled Bible prophecy. I believe it was in the 80's, but I can't remember. I'm sure I had heard this before, but maybe because I had gotten older and not a kid anymore, all of a sudden it made me raise my eyebrows . I just did a little research and here is what I found to jog my memory:

    November 1, 1993, Watchtower (pages 11-12) applies the 1260 days*, 1290 days, and 1335 days of Daniel 12:7, 11-12 to the date Rutherford was sentenced to prison, the date he spoke at the convention in Ohio, and the date a book he wrote was released.

    The organization has been fairly consistent in identifying the 1260 days of Revelation 11:3 as the same period mentioned at Daniel 12:7, but it has flip-flopped several times on the dates when that period began and ended. Still, it persists in perpetuating Judge Rutherford's egocentric interpretation of the prophecies as applying to himself and his close associates.

    So I remember that after each Watchtower study, I would mention to my JW sister, why are they harping on this week, after week? Are they building up to something? They are linking scriptures to Rutherford's imprisonment and release! How could these "men" think that they are fullfilling Bible prophecy? It's one thing to be teaching the Bible. It's another thing to think you are have been prophesied about in the Hebrew Scriptures! This really turned on my thinking cap to start doubting Brooklyn. If I had the internet during those weeks, I probably would have started doing some searches.

    So I just found a page in the Daniel book, which I never read, that gives a little more detail: http://www.cftf.com/daniel/daniel/D296-1260days.htm

    This is a good topic. I hadn't thought about this in a long time. Thanks!

  • LeslieV

    The red flags began for me when in the 80's they changed course of Jesus as mediator of the annointed class only. WTF !!!

    As far as field service was concerned....I was happy to either be hot or cold in the car...since I pioneered for 10 years all I cared about was time. Pretty sick now, but true then.


  • jaguarbass

    My grandfather told me back in 69 that those people were wacky. He said they have been fortelling the end of the world since he was a child and they always got it wrong.

    I thought my grandfather was a bad worldly person and that he must be mistaken. Because we had the troof.

  • greendawn

    A red flag showed when an older told me that the dubs had warned all the governments about armageddon and that covered them for countries where their preaching was not allowed.

    I doubt whether they actually bother with warning all governments opposed to their preaching but even then if they did warn them that doesn't mean a liability for every individual in that country most of whom don't have a clue as to what the dubs are. It was a preposterous way of thinking they, including all children, would die without ever hearing the gospel.

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