Anyone going to the DC in IL this Weekend?

by Smoky 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • OnTheWayOut

    Dekalb is terribly uncomfortable and out there in NOWHERESVILLE.
    Rockford and Madison are both better locations and Rockford has better
    places to eat lunch right outside the location (even though they aren't
    supposed to do that)

    Even if this new location in Bloomington is better or worse, it's still
    the Jehovah's Witnesses District Convention- and that really sucks.

  • juni

    I perhaps know some of you people!! what a trip!

    Keyser? you must've been in a different circuit than I cause there was one in Green Bay and then the De Kalb one. I don't go to any. But for many years did. i remember the 5 day ass. What torture.

    Oh being pregnant and going to assemblies is the ABSOLUTE WORST. The smells make you want to puke. And the seats kill your back. Once I took the bus to the White Sox (Comiskey park?) DA. I had a bladder infection and it was HORRIBLE. All these smelly, diesel buses lined up and here i am getting off to find the bathrooms. Thank the gods that my friend was there to watch my 2 babies while I left. What was I thinking? Oh yeah. I was being a spiritual person having Jehovah's favor. Yeah right. I shouldv'e been home taking care of myself.


  • integ

    I'll be at the one in DeKalb.

    At least for a cameo on Sunday afternoon.

    I probably know all of you.

    I actually enjoy sitting there mindlessly thinking about other stuff.

    There is something cathartic about that.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Are there several scheduled during the summer in Bloomington and Dekalb ? The JW's around here I thought were to go in August to Decalb . One witness that still stops by here to see me said she went to Bloomington the beginning of June .

  • juni

    Don't know troubledmind as I haven't been for 14 years. I just get my info from a mole.


    Hi integ! PM me if you want. Juni

  • blondie

    troubled mind, you must realize that all jws are not "obedient to the slave's direction." They find a reason to go to the convention most convenient to themselves. There was a convention in Green Bay over Memorial Day weekend. I bet a lot of southern Wisconsinites found a reason excuse to go to GB where the facilities are a little bit better.

    I can hear them now in Wisconsin.

    "I'm not going to drive that far."

    "I heard the seats are narrow and hard" (and jws tend to be a little on the pudgy side)

    "It was bad enough we had to go to Rockford, but at least it had something to do after the convention."

    "At least when our room had critters, we could still drive back and forth. In DeKalb we'll have to share with them."

    "No busing back and forth this time...I wonder how I'll get there since old Betsy died. No one has room for an old lady with no money."

    "You know that there are more black people in Illinois and more dangerous" (honest to heavens they said this and went to GB)

    "My parents, siblings, etc., go to GB. 'Jehovah' will understand it is the only time we can see each other."


  • juni

    Blondie? I always went to the DA I was assigned. I was a good little dub. But some of these places WERE the pits. But I do have to say that there were some who went other places for different reasons. Actually the cong. I was in - the elders and MSs were asked to jot down who they saw from the cong. at the assigned assembly. We had certain assigned areas for cleaning for each congo. Remember that? Good opportunity for the gossipers to keep tabs.

    I don't think cheeseheads are the only whiners. Just saying ya know?


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