So I used this illustration..about the Dateline "cautioned"

by UnConfused 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    I hope they are still thinking about what you said! Glad you put them in their place!

    I was still a dub when I saw the Dateline show. I just happened to be flipping channels and it was on. What I heard I've never gotten over. I believed the sincerity of their stories. I was almost a victim too, and the "brother" was an elder. I was so innocent when I was a kid, and never suspected that this guy was a sicko. I was lucky because nothing happened and eventually this elder was disfellowshipped, the reason was never told of course. I completely sympathized with those girls and how much courage they had to go on a major TV show and tell their stories. I suspected that they would be disfellowshipped, if they weren't already. I already knew how heartless Brooklyn was. A couple of years later when I did research to quit, I learned how much widespread abuse there is worldwide in the congregations. I added it to my checklist on why I should quit.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Yep, JWs never look at those types of situations in light of what it would be like to live through it.

    I always felt the society really treated people badly over 1975 and 1925. I never could buy the excuses given in the magazines, even when I was an active JW. I looked up the material myself and never could figure out why people where so evil for leaving the WTS after they had acted so foolishly. I would ask people how they would feel if they sold their home, didn't plant crops, quit their jobs, ect. just like the WTS said to do only to find out that the end never was coming when expected. Same thing goes with the changes on blood, alternative service, vaccinations, and organ transplants. How many people died by going along with policies that where later changed?

    They never want to face it.

  • garybuss

    Good job! That's the difference between talking about the abstract idea of a principle and talking about the particular effects of a principle. Witnesses are conceptual people. They don't usually do real well with facts and objective reality.

  • Gopher

    Worldly Andre --

    Yes there is a video clip. Right here:

    Go down to the VIdeo/Transcripts section, you'll see "NBC Dateline - Witness to the Prosecution",

    - Jeff

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Don't know if this applies. There was a black lady in our congregation when I was around 6-7. She was so sweet. She had such great little kids (one about my age, and one younger). Everyone loved her. She was single, being a widow. I would play with her kids around the Kingdom Hall perimeter, and even up the street. There was a big old house up the street that was abandoned, and after the meeting left out, while the adults were visiting, we'd all go walk up the street and just stare at the house (a big OLD house) looming against the great sky, and dare each other to run up to the steps and put our foot on it, cuz it was a GHOST HOUSE! It was fun...

    Anyway... She was in our congregation for a while and then a single guy came to our congregation, a white guy. They kind of "shined" on each other, and before long, they were sitting together at the meetings. I was only 5-6 so I can't remember the sequence of events at the time, but I only know that she was black, and he was white, and when they began sitting together at the meetings, everyone knew there was something going on. Don't ask me how I knew that, I guess in the way that little kids know and HEAR what the adults are saying.

    It was generally accepted after that that they were a couple, and then SOMETHING happened, and because I was so young, I can't really say what. All I know is that she was raped (I heard my Mom tell that to another Sister) and that she was put on reproof after that. Then HE was put on reproof. They sat at the back of the Kingdom Hall for awhile, and it was hard not to talk to them when I cared about them so much. I guess they were then welcomed back into the Hall because they got married at the Hall later.

    Later I found out that she had been raped, and because she didn't scream, she was put on reproof. She got pregnant because of the rape. She had a GREAT little kid as a result of the rape, he was cuter than a bug's ear and funnier than anything.

    Did HE get put on reproof because he was associating with a person that was on reproof, or did he get put on reproof because he, as a white man, was dating a black woman? I don't know... But, for some reason, I never felt secure about this decision about this couple.. they were BOTH really nice people.. really sincere.. and all of a sudden I had to avoid them like the plague...

    Wonder whatever happened to them..


  • LongHairGal


    So, they "cautioned" you. In other words, shut up "brother" and don't ever repeat anything negative about the religion for fear of death, etc. Makes you feel like you are living under a totalitarian regime with secret police. Many years ago, before all these scandals came out, I noticed how they tried to "silence" anybody who had a problem about anything.

    This was one of the early clues that told me something was wrong.


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