I don't get the responses to my topics as he does. Yet I have made the same kind of topics in the past as he has done. It will take me some time to show the comparisons.
So, is it the topic or the person who presents the topic?
Blueblades Go ahead make my day and ask me to produce the similar topics, the duplicity. Which will prove my point that it is the name of the one who produces the topic and not the topic itself that gets the many responses.
Minumis aks's many questions that have already been ask indifferent ways.
Blueblades who loves MinimusHey it's the fourth of July! My son was born on the fourth of July! We are celebrating his birthday!
Minimus don't take this personally, I love you man! I'm just kidding!
Blueblades who expects a lot of hits on this one. And if not, That's what I expect, because as my topic says: I'm Not Minimus.
Happy fourth of July!