I'm Not Minimus.

by Blueblades 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • nowisee

    hey! we are all different. it is what makes the world go 'round!

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Who is Minimus?

  • eclipse

    There is only one Blue Blades!

  • nvrgnbk

    I love me some Blueblades!

  • Twitch

    "There can be only one,......"

  • nvrgnbk

    Like I've always said Twitch, better to have Blueblades than Blueb............

  • greendawn

    Minimus has got his followers, beyond being intersting I suppose it becomes a habit to give replies to a specific person's threads.

  • Mysterious

    Heck who knows. I always think I'll get a great response and then no one ends up replying to some of my topics without shameful bumping. Have you considered time of day of the post?

  • stillajwexelder

    Minimus asks many questions that have already been asked in different ways. ABSOF+C**NGLUTLEY

    It is called Jumping on the Bandwagon and minimus is a master at it. It used to irritate me extremely. However, my replies let my irritation come through and minimus thought I had a problem with him - I dont -I think he is great. So now I just go with the flow and am extremely polite and just accept that minimus just wants/likes/loves asking questions that have been asked before but in different ways.

    Anyway, I will keep BTTTing this thread so it gets loads of replies. My thought is, this should be a good thread because of its subject matter - minimus asking questions

  • stillajwexelder

    Hey it's the fourth of July! My son was born on the fourth of July! We are celebrating his birthday!

    Well a belated happy birthday to your son

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