Any Stalkers out there?

by PEC 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    find a substance all over my front door that seemed suspiciously like a certain male bodily fluid

    Well its one way to keep JW's from knocking on your door

  • Hortensia

    you all need to read The Gift of Fear by Gavin deBecker. You might save your own life with this information - he gives a lot of information, but for me the most useful was a list of behaviors to watch for. These behaviors alert you that this person is not to be trusted. I have found since then that it is absolutely true - and that little list has saved me a lot of trouble.

  • free2think

    LMAO Philip. No im not a stalker but there was an obssessive dub in my old hall who was a bit mentally unstable, and felt it was her mission in life to bring me down, if that counts.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    My last GF before I met my wife went a little nuts

    Sounds more than a little nuts bro.

  • gwyneth

    OK, I'll admit it, too.

    I hadn't even heard the term "stalking" when I was 16, but I see now, that is clearly what I did.

    I won't go into the gory details (and they are bad,) but I am happy to say that either I have outgrown it, or have just done enough soul searching to deal with rejection in a healthy and normal way. For the most part.

  • PEC

    Would following someone around the board, replying to their replies and constant PMing them be Cyber Stalking?

    Does anyone know of any Cyber Stalkers or been a victim of a Cyber Stalker.

    AK Jeff, I believe your Stalker was not a Cyber Stalker, because he/she had details about you that would be available though the internet, correct me if I am wrong.


  • Warlock

    I used to work in the vegetable dept. of a market. I would hand out free celery, which would make me a celerystalker, no?


  • PEC

    Better a celerystalker than a celerykiller.


  • metaspy

    I have been the victim of stalking, though it was minor.
    Some girl in Canada found my website (back when I had one).
    The site listed some of my personal info. she then went and used this to find out more about me.
    She found every one of my IM screen-names, anytime I would log on, she would be there waiting for me.
    It was creepy, she knew tons about me. I knew only her name and address (she gave me).
    After a month of being bombarded (emails, phonecalls, and IMs) I changed everything.
    I no longer use IM, and I certainly dont post my email anywhere.

    Perhaps I was petty about the whole thing, but I found it to be disturbing.

  • nvrgnbk

    So his father was Jr. and he opened the card and read it. That is how the ex-marine was outted to his family. Woopsy!


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