What was your earliest memory of being a witness?

by mtsgrad 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • mtsgrad


    How traumatic. I thought it was bad enough for the changes adults had to make. I never though of kids UNcelebrating Birthdays.

  • Dragonlady76


    How traumatic. I thought it was bad enough for the changes adults had to make. I never though of kids UNcelebrating Birthdays


    My 4th birthday was my, so those were my memories, I didn't understand why.

    I also remember HATING going to the meetings, I couldn't sit still and my mom was encouraged by other "caring sisters" to restrain me during the meetings, this meant getting my leg punched and getting pinched.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    When we first started I was 10. We were a family of four. Our bible study conductors were a young pioneer couple with no children. (Who thought up that match?). Anyway, the husband got me in trouble with my father by "counseling me" during our family study, that I was doodling on my Watchtowers and I should be paying attention and commenting. Man did I get spanked and screamed at after those two left. So from that day on, I got watched and poked during the Watchtower by my father until I answered. My father was a scary guy, so I did what I was told.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Leaving the base waving at the guards and going on a long drive in our big buick . After the meetings I remember changing into pj's for the long ride home falling asleep and being carried into the house. I have a clear memory of being carted off to the bathroom to be spanked , and waving and smiling at everyone when I was brought back out. Watching my brothers stand at attention for inspection before my dad would let them leave the house before a meeting .

  • RichieRich

    Seeing dad sitting in his easy chair watching tv as I carried mom's books to the car for the meeting.

    wrapping my arms around my mothers upper arm, holding her close and going to sleep.

    And then getting pinched on inner thigh for doing bad things, and having big purple welts by the time i got home.

  • Finally-Free

    This isn't my earliest memory, because I was an adult convert, but it's one of my earliest JW memories. I was working alone in serviceā„¢ when a householderā„¢ came to the door and said to me, "F*ck off, God boy!!!"

    The expression gave me a chuckle, and now I use it myself on occasion.


  • minu

    i don't remember this but it is a story that keeps being told in my family to this day. I was at the meeting with my mom and dad, i think my brother was just born. I was being bad, as usual, and dad asked me if i wanted to go outside. I must have not learned by then that "going outside" was a bad thing and I told him "YES" and of course got a spanking outside. The next meeting he didn't even ask me if I wanted to go outside, so while he was walking towards the door i was screaming "Jehovah, Help Me!!!!!" cause i knew i was getting a spanking.

  • R.F.

    My dad popping that heck out of my brother and I for talking during the meeting.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Dad trying to place a Craptower with the OB-Gyn who delivered me.

    Nah, just teezin'. But I wouldn't put it past him.

    Open Mind

  • unique1

    Assisting my mom with her talk. I would sit on the floor and quote a scripture she used when I was signaled. I was 3. My first talk on my own was at age 5. Needless to say, I was never SHY.

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