Information Release

by JWD Temp 81 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    altRichie, get your mind and fingers where they belong. LOL

    Lets say, they concentrate their efforts on the US. They could send the a letter, to each circuit. The only thing different would be how something was worded, or a change of location, or the color of the new release. They could pin down a location fairly fast.

    Lets say, it is the color of the new book. Not that many colors to choose from. So some color choices would be doubled. The next letter, is sent to the circuits, with the right color. It would be an idea of what the next book title would be. Worded differently for each area. That would narrow the search more.

    So now you have a circuit. Your mole is hiding somewhere in it. Divide it into fourths. Send letter to each, and you just narrowed it down to XX amount of congs. and so on. With letters, it wouldn't be that hard to find a mole.

    Just really cultish though. But, we are dealing with lots of $$$$$

  • nvrgnbk

    Jehovah is getting His ass kicked by a bunch of disgruntled ex-cult members?

    Who knew?

  • RollerDave

    GOD, I love this place!

    Moles, double secret agent spy-men, logistics, spy craft, and digital manipulation of Rosie O Donnell!

    This thread has been a hell of a fun read!

    That being said, it would really be pretty easy to do that. Variations don't even have to be differences in facts or details, but with actual scans being posted, the order of thoughts could be altered and the same meaning conveyed.

    I would hate to see an end to BOE letter scans on JWD as much as anyone, but I would also hate to see any of our ApostaBrethren outed by Mommy Dearest also.

    Some means of comparing might be in order, maybe typing and paraphrasing.

    Of course, this could result in false letters being reported and turn into a huge game of 'telephone'.

    But, in the end, I think it would be so thrilling to see the leaks continue, and get bigger while their efforts to stop them up go absolutely nowhere!

    Assuming of course, that there is the slightest validity to this highly unsubstantiated rumor.

    Just Saying is all,

    Roller (of the 'I knew Gopher in a previous life' sheep class)


    nvrgnbk..Not Jehovah,my friend.....The WBT$..Is getting their Ass Kicked!!..For so many years the WBT$ has let the Jehovah`s Witness`s take the Blame,for their Anti-Christ behavior..The World is just starting to see the Truth...OUTLAW

  • nvrgnbk

    Sorry OUTLAW.

    Didn't mean to offend you friend.

    But Jehovah really needs to shut these guys down then.

    Cause they claim to have a monopoly on Him, and it's just sad.

  • Skimmer

    "Is there a mathematician in the house?"

    Yes, there is.

    The canary trap system has seen a lot of use over the years. The first time I heard of it was a few decades ago when the British government used it in hard copy press releases that had embargo dates. If a press release was leaked early, the government wanted to know who leaked photocopies and so provided slightly different copies to each recipient. Interestingly, the text on each release was the same, but the word breaks at the end of each line were altered. (Remember, this was in the days before word processing was common.)

    A more recent and more widespread use of a canary trap is found in the DRM content protection system used in both BluRay and HD-DVD disks. I won't go into the technical details here, but suffice it to say that it can be used to help identify rogue disk producers who have once had a valid license but had it revoked.

    Can the slimeball WTBTS employ canary traps? Certainly. But there are ways of detecting and evading such use. Perhaps the simplest way is to procure two or more documents from disparate sources and examine the contents for differences. But beware, as some of these traps can be very subtle.

    There are more sophisticated ways to detect and defeat canary traps, particularly with electronic documents. I will not describe these in an open forum, but perhaps this topic could be further explored in the closed campaign tactics forum. (I need an invitation first.)

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    closed campaign tactics forum. (I need an invitation first.)

    Is there a certain city, location, etc, that these are held in? Like the Undercover Hotel? Sneaky Guys Inn?

    Seriously though, this isn't a bad idea. An organized effort. We could have our own BOA. Body of Apostates. Men and Women, devoted to the cause of bringing down the Dubs.

    You being a Mathematician, and probably good with stats, We need a good organizer, a fantastic speaker to be an official spokesman etc.....

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    The easiest canary trap would target mole elders who post actual scans of BOE letters. I'm sure there's software that could create 10,000 documents that appear identical to the casual observer but in fact, are unique due to slight variations in font, spacing, "flawed" characters, etc. Paranoid? Perhaps. But I wouldn't put it past them. I don't have the figures in front of me, but let's say there's 10,000 congregations served by the U.S. branch. Each congregation receives a unique letter and then a scan shows up on JWD. Bingo! You've at least pinpointed the congregation. From there, a sting operation wouldn't be that difficult.

    This is all based on the assumption that the Borg really wants to crack down on rogue, mole elders. Frankly, I don't think the Borg puts any REAL trust in elders. They're just first-line production supervisors. Therefore, it's not worth the effort to track them down. Just don't trust them to begin with and the Borg is fine.

    But, having said that, you'll never see me posting a scan or leaking quotes from BOE letters.

    BTW, anyone care to comment on how hard it would be for the Borg to track down my a$$ through hacking?

    Open Mind
    (of the, paranoid cuz they really are out to get me, class)

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    I failed to mention a couple details. If JWDers swap scans between Cong A, Cong B & Cong C that wouldn't really offer any protection using the mole identification scheme I proposed. The 3 "infected" congos would still be identified.

    But here's the silver lining. If any MSs or R&F are ever able to snap a photo of a BOE letter without being detected, think of the "sh*tstorm" that could be started if your local BOE was targeted as containing a mole. They'd really have some 'splainin' to do. Tee hee. Just make sure you only do it once. Or at least, just once every couple of years.

    Open Mind
    (of the, prolly assigning too much importance to us 'postates, class)

  • Paralipomenon

    Open Mind,

    People attribute hackers with great and powerful skills. Any system is breakable with a high enough skill, right?

    Quite incorrect.

    Most successful hacks are the result of social observation or engineering. If you want access to a computer, dress up like a janitor and walk through the building. It's amazing how apathetic employees are to company integrity.

    Many companies enforce really strong password rules. Must be over 8 character, contain both lower and upper case, cannot be repeated, must contain both letters and numbers, etc. So the end result is people can't keep track and end up writing down their password and taping it to their monitor. It doesn't take a brilliant hacker to walk through an office and observe peoples desks.

    Or call up an individual and pose as tech support, ask for their password.

    Or just guess it. People use common names, items, dates etc. for their passwords. Read their posts, learn a bit about them and guess.

    This is how the majority of "hacks" take place.

    Into the minority are trojan programs. They are distributed either targeted or random and if a person activates the program, it harvests all the personal information it can, and exposes your computer from the inside.

    Then there's the brute force method. Exposing a flaw in the software running the forums, a method is created to expose access to sensitive areas. This takes huge commitments of time without any notion that such a vulnerability exists. There are only a handful of people in the world that are talented at this type of attack and given the state of the watchtower's stance on education, I would really doubt that any are witnesses.

    Honestly, if I was intent on gaining access to JWD's member database, I wouldn't bother trying to hack it out. I'd create a user profile and try to gain community acceptance. Try to establish a friendship with Simon and the other mods and establish myself as a "pillar" in the JWD community in the hopes that I would be granted moderator privileges.

    Given most of the mods have been posting regularly since ~2001 the turnover rate looks to be practically nil, that wouldn't be a profitable idea.

    And even if they did get access, people have a way of protecting themselves.

    Use a disposable email address, use a fake name, access the site via a proxy. You would be untraceable even if the whole site was compromised.

    Really, you need to ask yourself, would you be a target of the WTS? Are you even on their radar? If you think you would be, you should be using means to protect yourself.

    Personally, I'm rather lax with my privacy here. I am not a target. If I was exposed as a fader, it would be mildly annoying, but that's about it.

    While people should be careful about posting scans of letters or verbatim text, if I was a dub, I'd create a post just like the OP to stir up fear and uncertainty in the apostate community. If I could scare one poster away from posting, then that would be a huge return on the investment of creating a single account.

    Just my thoughts on the matter.


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