For all the "kick 'em to the curb gang".....I'll never do it. He's a great boy, never been in trouble, not even one speeding ticket. He keeps his truck spotless, works hard and goes to school. I rarely open his door except to toss in some clean clothes. He runs lots of errands for me including those quick runs to the grocery store without complaint.
He's extremely frugal and practical about clothing. He's managed to rip several pairs of those long shorts with lots of pockets. I insisted they be thrown out. Nothing doing, ......he found a needle and thread, and made long "Frankenstein" type stitches.....I just had to laugh. I was perfectly willing to buy him new ones. He thought better of it.
I'm an at home mom so I have the time to clean his room when the mood strikes..... about once every 6 months.