I just want your opinions, please.
Do You Think God REALLY Cares About Minimus?
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
If God is Allah - then no - you are an infidel
If God is JEHOVAH -then no you are an apostate
If God is Jesus - of course he loves you and died for you
This is so deep, man.
Yes God wants you up there with the 144,000 to guide us pooooor humans.
I'm with stillajwexelder on this one. That was a good one.
Yes but he likes Maximus more,....
Sad emo
Qui ergo solverit unum de mandatis istis minimis, et docuerit sic homines, minimus vocabitur in regno cælorum.
(Who therefore breaks one of those lesser commands and teaches men to do so will be called minimusin the kingdom of God).
WOWIE! I'm scriptural!
God loves you Minimus, He told me last night. I had a revelation. It said," This man Minimus really cares about others, you can tell by his threads. No not in his pants, the threads on JWD. And He told me I should start ,"The Church of Minimus". (That was Mrs. Flippers idea) No, but really we do enjoy your input a lot. Lots of good ideas put out, so keep it up. Peace, Mr. & Mrs. Flipper Pardon our off the wall weird humor. we are quirky.