Did anyone here ever really like field service?

by exwitless 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • exwitless

    As I have stated in previous posts, I absolutely HATED field service. HATED it. I dreaded it with a passion and couldn't wait to be done. In our cong., we were a play by the rules kind of people. We never wasted time driving around, we rarely took breaks (only if it was extremely hot or cold), etc. We would take every blasted door in the territory from 9:20 till noon or so. I hated it!!! I hated bugging people in their homes on their only days off of work. I honestly didn't care to "convert" people. I only went out to avoid being pelted by a 50 ton flaming rock at Armageddon (as seen in the lovely pictures in the Live Forever book).

    Did anyone here actually like it?

    Also, a side question: did anyone actually like reading the Watchtower and/or Awake?

  • loosie

    I NEVER liked it.

  • neverendingjourney

    For about the first two years I enjoyed it. That's when I was certain the JWs had the truth and I fancied myself a modern-day Noah. After that, it became monotonous. Towards the end, I couldn't stand it.

    I read each and every magazine for the first year and a half or so. I liked it. JWism was my passion back then.

  • Gayle

    No, and I even pioneered for 5 ys.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I aux pioneered every year and when I graduated I reg pioneered till I went to bethel...and I hated every minute of it. The catch is like everything else with the Borg facade, They keep telling you how much fun it is. You have all these stories of people who at first had an adversion to the 'field ministry', but they grew to love being out there. You hear enough of these stories and you begin to believe them and think there must be something wrong with me.

    Half if not 3/4 of the witnesses in field service hope to god no one answers the door.

  • Insomniac

    Hated every danged minute of it. Especially on lovely days when I could have been at the beach or on my porch, enjoying life, but instead I was slogging about, selling fricking magazines to people who were rude to me.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    There aren't any words in existence to express how much I hated going on field service! Conducting "bible studies" was even worse! The whole reading ... question ... answer thing was soooo monotonous and incredibly boring. zzzzzzzzz ...

  • Warlock

    When I could get out of bed to get out, I actually liked field service. I liked talking to the people, and how I felt afterward. Nothing could spoil my day.

    I know I usually clowning around, but not in this case.................honestly.


  • BizzyBee

    I REALLY hated every minute of all of it. Seriously. Trust me.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I hated it, even when I auxilary pioneered. I always felt guilty because I didn't have the zeal for it that others seemed to have. They were either on something, or were better at faking enthusiasm than I was. I was also always afraid of running into someone that I knew at the door. The only time I would get remotely excited in the ministry is when we came upon a house with no cars in the driveway and the lights off, and it was my turn.

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