Not sure if this has ever been brought up. But because of thsi forum and the realization that things said in the JW Empire are not true. Do you still believe in the resurrection hope?
Resurrection or Truth
by XJWNB 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Personally, no. At least not the way I was taught about it by the bOrg.
Personally, I hope. But It will never be the way I was taught about it by the borg.
yes, but, not the wts version of it. i think everlasting life is a gift from god that you have to actively deny. i hope the resurrection does happen, just to see the looks on the faces of the j.w.'s, when a hell of alot more are with them then they thought.
i'd pay money to watch some pioneer couple try to get into a house they called dibbs on, only to find the owners with them in paradise. THAT WOULD ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bu...bu...but,,,,,i called dibbs get out of here cult boy.
The thread title is interesting --- 'Resurrection or truth'. As the title implies, resurrection is not truth, it's a belief. I believe what I am reasonably certain is the truth.
So no, I don't believe the resurrection. Nobody knows what happens after death, although one can hope that there is a continuation of life. If life continues after death, it will be learned by each of us individually when it happens.
I know for sure that this life is the one I have, and intend to concentrate on making the best of any time I have left in it.
No. it isn't a "Hope" because everyone is going to be resurrected according to the Bible.
My hope is in Christ's second coming.
The cult got that one wrong too.
JWs do not believe in resurrection. They believe in re-creation.
Once a person dies the body breaks down. All the little neuro-connections that makes you who you are disappear. It is impossible to recreate that unless a detailed computer model of those connections is preserved. This is impossible with present technology. Perhaps someday.
bigdreaux, your post ROCKS, thanks for the LOL.
Quick answer: There is not a single shred of hard evidence that something of you lives on after death...
Just as the rest of our family (all things with dna) on the great tree of life out of which we evolved, we die, and death, for us and everything else, is permanent.
But cheer up! Think of all the rest you will have! No work, no tiredness, no need to ponder big questions anymore, just eternal rest :)
Of course this is only attractive if you've had a life-time of hard work and thinking and philosophy before that :)
Deus Mauzzim
*if death is the end of everything, life is everything*
One important thing to notice is that the Pharisaic doctrine of resurrection is actually subverted as much as it is echoed in many NT texts. In the Gospel of John (5:24; 11:24f), Colossians (2:12; 3:1ff) and Ephesians (2:6) it is consistently taken as a metaphor of Christian initiation, i.e. as a "spiritual event" already happened to the elect. Later orthodoxy will explicitly reject this view (2 Timothy 2:18) and affirm general resurrection and judgement in the last day (as also appears in the extant Gospel of John, contrary to its main thrust, e.g. 5:28f; 6:39 etc.). So questioning the future, literal resurrection is not simply "against the Bible". It is "scriptural" to a large extent (not to mention the Sadducean view reflected in Ecclesiastes, or the earlier OT texts to which resurrection is foreign if not explicitly denied, e.g. Job).