Wow, I might just a thread here started and kept going soley by me. That might be a first. Anyhow, I think the following article surely must be written by a JW or an apologist:
Thousands respond to Witnesses' invitation
An artist's rendering of Jesus Christ was the featured illustration on the invitations used by Jehovah's Witnesses to advertise their 2007 "Follow the Christ!" District Convention, and people responded.
Thousands of people, Witnesses and non-Witnesses alike from Union, Middlesex and Monmouth counties came to the Jehovah's Witnesses Assembly Hall in Jersey City for a three-day event that focussed on what Witnesses believe is a vital need today: to imitate Jesus Christ in all matters of life.
Many of the non-Witnesses who attended the convention had received the invitation personally during a three-week distribution campaign by the Witnesses. Among the many subjects featured on the program were the following:
God's Word is "Alive and Exerts Power, on Friday afternoon, an audio presentation of a dramatic narrative. The production re-enacted for the listening audience a few of the thrilling events of Jesus' earthly life and ministry, based on chapters 4 and 5 of the Gospel of Mark. Husbands, Wives, Parents, Children -- Follow the Model! presented on Saturday afternoon, highlighting the role of each family member. All were exhorted to apply the Bible text at 1 Peter 2: 21 in their respective roles and thus contribute to a happy, successful family. Who are the Real Followers of Christ? was the thought-provoking title of the public talk presented Sunday morning. Local Witnesses were thrilled with the outstanding turnout for the program, with a peak attendance of 4,076.
"Nowhere else can you find those who can explain how following Jesus Christ benefits both individuals and families alike. It was truly a pleasure to be around so many positive and encouraging people for three full days," said James Graziano, one of the convention's organizers.
The Witnesses were particularly delighted to welcome 27 individuals who joined their ranks by getting baptized in an ordination ceremony on Saturday. Witnesses view baptism as a vital step in following Christ's example.
The three-day event ended Sunday at 4 p.m. The audience showed appreciation for the convention with prolonged applause.
Joel Taylor, also a convention organizer, said, "Many convention delegates have expressed appreciation for the fine Bible-based discourses focusing on following the Christ in every facet of life.
For more information, contact Troy Fernandez at (917) 362-2682.
-- Submitted by the
Jehovah's Witnesses
Office of Public Information