* Invitation to Follow Christ Convention/ Ridiculous *

by FlyingHighNow 24 Replies latest social entertainment

  • poppers

    To FlyingHighNow - here is the url for my post; sorry I can't make it active. At the site you're directed to you'll have to scroll down a bit - the title of the entry is "TM: Cult or Not", dated July 2, written by John M. Knapp.


  • JeffT

    It is obvious that the only purpose of these invitation campaigns is to get the R&F all worked up about how special they are. I would be astounded if one in 10,000 people who sees one of these things actually thinks about going. This must look about as thrilling as an invitation to see some total stangers pictures of his vacation.

  • Mary
    Nowhere else can you find those who can explain how following Jesus Christ benefits both individuals and families alike. It was truly a pleasure to be around so many positive and encouraging people for three full days," said James Graziano, one of the convention's organizers.

    Riiight. No other Christian religion can explain how following Jesus can benefit your family. Only the Witnesses can explain how much your family is benefited from cutting off members that choose not to follow the religion anymore, or decide to celebrate Christmas or their birthdays----something Jesus never mentioned at all.

    The Witnesses were particularly delighted to welcome 27 individuals who joined their ranks by getting baptized in an ordination ceremony on Saturday. Witnesses view baptism as a vital step in following Christ's example.

    LMAO! Out of 4,000 people, and the hundreds of thousands of hours the Witnesses in this area spent 'preaching', and only 27 got baptized?! I'm betting that at least 20 of them were those 'born into the Troof', not converts. This, more than anything else, shows that their door to door preaching is a complete waste of time.

  • Rabbit

    Ok, stop talking to yourself, Flyin' !

    A close friend of ours (which means she knows more about the WTS than she ever wanted to know) called us to say she had been invited to the Convention in Amarillo, TX. It is 250 miles from where she lives in Midland.

    She said a couple of middle aged JW's showed up Saturday morning and had just started their presentation...my friend says, "Fine. I'll take it." And she pulled it out of his hand and as the door was shutting...she noticed the "disgusted look on his face".

    He got off lucky. He didn't know it at the time, but, he really didn't want to hear what was on her mind. She's very upset at what this "Christian" religion has done to my family. And she usually lets you know what she's thinking.

    I'm certain that couple simply, "shook the 'goat' dust off their clothes" and mentioned something about "bird food" as they went to the next house. Damn...I cannot believe...*I* used to do that, too.

    Oh, well...I'm feeling much better now.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I got through the write up just to the part that said "thought provoking" and had to post. That is so JW speak! No one says "thought provoking" anywhere, do they?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Got stuck again. "No where else can you find umm good stuff about Jesus?" JW's aren't allowed to do any of the searching that would bring out of the woodwork all of the places that use Jesus as an example to follow.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    "Thrilling" and "Delightful" JWisms. Oh, I just finished the article.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Wow, Rabbit, 250 miles. I used to live in Andrews, 45 miles from Midland. I can't believe anyone would be brave enough to invite people to drive to Amsrillo in the West Texas heat. I have to admit, I would have been too embarrassed to do it. "We could save you the drive and tell you who the REAL followers of Christ are right now, but nahhhhhhhhh."

    White Dove, I finally noticed the article was submitted by the JW publicity dept or convention organizers or some sort of whatever. What goof balls.

  • isbacos

    All I have to say is I am not anyone to judge, I have looked up however in various different dictionaries, encyclopedias, history channel, reputable resources, not just hearsay, and found out interesting info like Jehovah is gods name and the meaning behind many "christian" celebrations, and have found only pagan roots. Not a JW, just trying to see what I could find.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Is, are you married? Do you wear a wedding ring? Will you if you get married. Pagan. Yet JW's wear wedding rings. There are other examples of "pagan" customs for which they make exception.

    Many churches know Jehovah is mentioned in the Bible and use his name, doesn't mean that only Jehovah's Witnesses are Christ's Real followers. If you WERE a JW, you'd be secretly saying to yourself, "This is a religious philosophy that encourages followers to behave more like Pharisees, most of which Jesus condemned." There are many sincere JWs. There are many nice people who are JWs. The thing is, that doesn't make the theology, doctrine and practices of their organization healthy. The organization is like white washed graves that appear beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of bones.

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