If JW's message is so urgent and Armageddon is imminent..

by PopeOfEruke 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • PopeOfEruke

    then why do the walk so SLOW when out in field service?????????

    Honestly, I saw some Dubs out witnessing yesterday and they have invented the "Worlds Most Incredible Slow Walk".

    It makes a glacier look like a speeding avalanche.

    They should nominate it to Month Python's "Ministry of Silly Walks"..

    I have seen amputated turtles move faster!

    What is with that?? How can they have such a life-saving message that has to be delivered at like 0.00000000001 miles per hour?

    "Thanks Jehovah! I might have converted in time if only those JW's made it to the top of my street before Armaagedon arrived!"

    It's a joke, really.


  • Gopher

    Amputated turtles, LOL.

    They do it because they HATE the field ministry and don't look forward to confronting more people with the Bad News Of The Kingdom

  • ex-nj-jw

    I was famous for the "JW shuffle", when I was kid. I hated it so much!!!

    Walked slow hoping that the people in the houses would see us coming and not open the door, or to give the neighbors time to call and warn them that we were coming!!


  • DocBob
    then why do the walk so SLOW when out in field service?????????

    It's called the Pioneer Shuffle. The aim is to maximize your loggable time and minimize human contact.



    I work outside for a living. I always see them walking slower than a turtle and talking to each other as they go house-to-house. They meet at the end of each block and talk some more. They walk slowly up the stairs and even slower down. We know that the WTS has given everyone to do their dirty work. Get your 2 hours in every week and WTS will leave you alone.

  • loosie

    It's human to hate rejection. When you go to the door and 99.9 percent of the time you hear " not interested" it's bad for your ego.

    So they don't exactly go running up to the door to be rejected. I never did.

    Besides I had to walk slow to get the sway in my hips so my husband had a show to watch from behind.

  • chelsea

    Try asking them why they don't use TV or the internet to broadcast their message, as would be done if any other sort of worldwide disaster was impending. They come up with some silly answers to that one.

  • Finally-Free

    My mother and I were both told by elders and others to slow down our pace when going from door to door. We were told it "doesn't look good to the householders". When I said to people that it was "an urgent work" I was usually told to "trust in Jehovah", which is their usual stupid response when they can't answer something.

    It has nothing to do with making converts. It's all about keeping the cultists too occupied to do anything with their own lives.


  • BizzyBee
    They do it because they HATE the field ministry

    And they HATE it because it is so painful and yet so pointless. Doing something painful (like exercise or dieting) is bearable because there is a point - and a result that is tangible. I NEVER, EVER felt any point to the DTD work other than THANK GOD IT IS OVER FOR ANOTHER WEEK - I HOPE ARMAGEDDON COMES BEFORE I HAVE TO GO OUT IN FIELD SERVICE AGAIN - EVEN IF I AM JUDGED TO BE BIRD FODDER. IT WILL BE F******G OVER!

    What a way to live your life!

  • lrkr

    For a comparison of someone who actually works while walking door to door, check out your friendly neighborhood postman. Not running, but not sauntering either (I don't know- I suppose saunter is really a word). Compare with the JW's and you will see who really wants to cover their territory, and who is being "paid" by the hour.

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