...using Bible Scripture (I knwo they can quote whatever the WTS says about it, but Im trying to understand how do they come to that conclusng using Bible verses.) Also, in doing a little research, there is something very interesting that came up, and I never EVER hear this from the JW. They always claim that the 12 tribes iN Rev. 7 are not the same ones in Genesis, yet I don't know if they know that the 12 tribes in rev. are named after Jacob's Sons?
The 144,000...How do JWs get that only 144K are going to Heaven?
by A-Team 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
Well Chewbakka lived on endor...or so we are led to believe - so if Chewbakka lives or lived on endor and the ewoks do also then it stands to reason that there is 144,000 who have the heavenly hope.
Or if you want a more reasonable answer that makes more sense - JWs get that only 144k will be going to heaven primarily because the FDS tell them so - no ifs no buts, its fact!
Well Chewbakka lived on endor...or so we are led to believe - so if Chewbakka lives or lived on endor and the ewoks do also then it stands to reason that there is 144,000 who have the heavenly hope.
Not only that, but there is scriptural evidence that Chewie is actually the hairy he-goat mentioned in Daniel. When you read that, plus the counsel in Levitucus 24 on the 'emissions of semen', you'd have to be blind not to realize that the 144,000 is a literal number.
It is from the Bible. Every belief that Witnesses believe is STRICTLY from the Bible.
Passage Revelation 14:1:Revelation 14
The Lamb and the 144,000
1 Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads.
they are led to believe that but it isnt this way. best example: 1914
Adrin....I assume you are a JW, but I'm going to attempt to use some logic here. In that scripture you gave me, it only says that the 144k Will be with the Lamb on Mt. Zion (A Hill outside of Jerusalem). It NEVER says that the 144K will go to heaven, are the only ones that are going to Heaven, or are the only anointed ones. 1 thing that I learned is to not only pay attention to what the Bible says, but also pay attention to what the Bible does NOT say.
It is from the Bible. Every belief that Witnesses believe is STRICTLY from the Bible.
He's right! How stupid of us we didn't see that right away!
but ehm... could you explain 1919, 1975, 1994... ?
and the pyramid "witness in stone" ?
and Alcyone?
and vaccinations?
and the things about oral sex and masturbation?
and the things about putting in hours?
and the Governing Body? (and read a history book on early christianity before you come with Acts ok :)
Deus Mauzzim
of the soon-to-be-birdfood-class (which is STRICTLY in the Bible, granted :)
That teaching is one of the few holdovers from Charles Taze Russell. He taught it to be a literal, rather than symbolic number.
Sarah Smiles
A Team that is a good one! Where is Mt. Zion? Is there a spiritual Mt. Zion?
Does the bride come down from heaven?