Warning: The following videos are not politically correct!
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
Warning: The following videos are not politically correct!
I am COMPLETELY and TOTALLY politically 'incorrect' as I prefer 'factual correctness' over 'political correctness' any day.
I call 'em as I see 'em, and NOBODY has to EVER wonder where they stand with me.
I just told a used car salesman yesterday, 'I know what you are trying to do, but I want the truck so I'll dance the dance.'
I guess the opinion I hold that gets me the most flack from touchy-feely brain-dead bleeding-heart types is my disdain for the urban ghetto culture of failure.
I think all these little bastards walking around with their pants around their knees should be dragged by the ear into the nearest K-Mart for some properly fitting trousers. I don't think the English language needs to be tortured in the name of 'diversity' and I don't think 'pimp' or 'ho' are very good role models.
This has got me called 'racist' at times but that's total bullshit and I have a zero-tolerance policy where bovine excrement is concerned.
For my attitude to be racist I would have to despise something when it is connected to one race, but excuse it when connected to another. The 'race' of the person has to matter.
I don't care if you are white, black, red, brown, yellow, blue, striped, or plaid; If you act like a jackass, I'll call you on it.
Another thing about me that is considered 'incorrect' politically is I'm a carry permit guy, and kind of huge.
People expect a person in a wheelchair to be a certain way, all sweetness and light, or at least mentally unfit, but here I am larger than life, made of rawhide and packing heat having the nerve to be rolled into a buffet.
They give me the stink-eye while they are eating their fifth plate of Mac n Cheese and I am having my salad and allowing them to overhear my political and philosophical musings.
Some times their expression is so sour I halfway expect cops to show up asking it I have a permit for my personal artillery, which one can discern in spite of my best efforts to conceal it if one looks hard enough.
And they DO look hard. It almost leaves bruises.
As if all of THAT weren't enough, just yesterday, I bought a gigantic Dodge Ram Truck because I want to do my part for global warming even though it is not caused by human activities.
So, is all of the above complete and total enough?
Believe it or not, I'm holding back!
Roller, (of the 'as if I give a damn what people think' sheep class)
I do not concern myself with political correctness. I really am a very nice person but I don't mind saying someone is black or white. My friend is from S. Africa and is now a US citzen. She's an African American but guess what...she's white.
I am a homosexual and have no problem refering to myself and others as fags, queens, flamers, or girly men. Words are just that, words.
I have very curly hair and I like to garden. Why just last weekend I was a nappy headed hoer.
Poor Imus. The guy has been insulting people for a very long time. Why all of a sudden is his foul mouth a problem?
Lonelysheep how about a PM with some of your dittys? Nvr- you use such big words. I had to look it up.
I most fav episode of Crank Yankers was about a guy calling a stable and asking if he could rent a horse for his bedridden 600 lb wife. I laughed so hard tear were streaming...so bad and so politically incorrect.
I go out of my way to piss JW people off by saying controvertial things disguised behind a pleasant manner at the hall and out and about like: "Jesus was a socialist/communist" or "Karl Marx said 'religion is the opiat of the masses'... it's sunday so let's get our doseage." Not even joking. :D
I'm an American AND a Capitalist.
Proud of both.
I don't care for Imus but I like him better than Sharpton!
Okay...ya want a politcally incorrect thought?
Min, you said:
I don't care for Imus but I like him better than Sharpton!
Ah, but if it weren't for the Imuses of the world, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP and others like them would have no reason to exist.
They need Don Imus, they need Michael Richards, they need something to bitch about. It gives them a soapbox to climb up on and shout down on their oppressors from.
They love it when someone says something insensitive...it gives them the oppurtunity to go in front of CNN, FOX, CBS, NBC and ABC and whine about their plight.
What comments or feeling do you have that might make you be considered "politically incorrect"? Keep in mind that the expression does not just take in political points of view.....I think the concept of "Race" as it is tossed about today is moronic. As an anthropological classification the term originated in the 17th century and was based largely on phrenology (The shape of people's heads) The human species was divided into only a tiny handful of "Races." (e.g. Caucasian, Negro, Mongoloid and Aboriginal) Skin color was not the primary consideration. For example, natives of India were considered the same "Race" as Europeans even though their skin color was considerably darker. Early in the 20th century, the whole concept was rejected as unscientific, and intermarriage across traditional racial bounderies has blurred what little there was in the way of an original concept even further. Yet the term, "Race" is even more popular today than it was at the height of colonialism. How does this make me politicaly incorrect? Well, if an "Anglo" has a problem with the Coronado National Forest being systematically torched by "Hispanic" immigrants, it's politically correct to scream, "Racist." It's not politically incorrect to point out that "Hispanics" and "Anglos" are not really different races.
Voicing concern over Islamic men that "look like" terrorists on your airplane is considered a no-no. Personally, if someone "looked" threatening to me because they fit the stereotype of an Al Qada member, I don't think I should feel the need to apologize for my concern.