JW Competition-Pope says other Christians not true churches!
by lonelysheep 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think it's time for the UN to give them the boot then . The NGO churches are not supposed to slur other NGOs . Personally I think the catholic church is the whore of babylon and is going to dissolve .
Maybe the Catholic Church has flip-flops too...
Date: 2005-11-30
Nonbelievers Too Can Be Saved, Says Pope
Refers to St. Augustine's Commentary on Psalm 136(137)
VATICAN CITY, NOV. 30, 2005 (Zenit.org).- Whoever seeks peace and the good of the community with a pure conscience, and keeps alive the desire for the transcendent, will be saved even if he lacks biblical faith, says Benedict XVI.
The Pope made this affirmation today at the general audience, commenting on a meditation written by St. Augustine (354-430). -
Sad emo
Despite the harsh tone of the document, it stresses that Benedict remains committed to ecumenical dialogue.
"However, if such dialogue is to be truly constructive, it must involve not just the mutual openness of the participants but also fidelity to the identity of the Catholic faith," the commentary said.
I like that - "We'll discuss anything with non RCs - as long as they accept we're right and they're wrong"
AO - perhaps he meant you don't need a Biblical faith - you just need to believe in the RC institutions!
Ah well, my sister thinks I'm going to hell for 'deserting' no matter what the bossman says
This is not a good sign at all.
You see why I've always said that the RCC is a CULT???
Ratzinger has always been an arch-conservative traditionalist.
He wants to revive old traditions. At this rate, can a revival of the Inquisition be far behind???
This guy seems to be the polar opposite of John Paul II. Not much charisma, and more importantly, a real lack of diplomacy.
Sad Emo...
Re going to hell for not believing the dogma... Does she know about the practice of indulgences? That way, you could sin but if you paid money and belived the dogma, God would wipe your spiritual slate clean.
Maybe you could buy an indulgence... ???
Notice 2 things here.
#1, unlike the JWs, not all Catholics are agreeing with the Pope.
#2, A friend warned me that this pope could possibly be the Anti-Christ. I laughed it off, but This bit of news is a tad discouraging. -
I, for one, am glad that this puritanical tyrant is the pope..maybe people will wake up from being in christendom. (lol, I can dream)
I am not against Jesus, nor am I against worshipping Jesus.
I just think that organized religions of christendom have taken simplistic essence of the Bible, of Jesus' basic commandments of love & mercy, and have added their own man made traditions, idols, rituals, rules & laws. By doing so, they have altered what Jesus intended.
I think all organized religions eventually go the way of man following/worshipping man. There is one man/woman speaking from the pulpit, telling you what the scriptures mean to that religion.
Of course, you are free to choose what to believe and what to discard...but when it comes to cultish like religions, you lose that freedom to disagree, without major consequences. Those religions are guilty of the worst kind of oppression.
I think Jesus wanted people to follow him, and not make up sects of religions.
In every religion, you will have disagreements of what scriptures mean what. There is no unity, and never will be, because people will always interpret scriptures differently.
I think that organized religions can be done away with, while people can, and should be free to worship their Jesus/God/deity in peace with their own family.
Just imagine what history would be like without the crusades, without the witch hunts, without religious zealots invading aboriginal ''pagan'' tribes to spread ''the gospel'' and infecting them with disease and forced/tortured conversion to christianity.
History would be alot less bloodied, methinks.