My ex-daughter-in law wants to send a letter to the congregation where my son a jw goes. She has never been a witness. My son abuses his son physically. Hopefully we can put pressure on the elders. Does she send the letter to secretary or po? Who we don"t know. Or just send it to kingdom hall? Should she send it registered? She does not live in the same city as ex.
Need help sending a letter
by slvrtrixter 11 Replies latest jw friends
Witnesses believe in strong corporal punishment; you might do better reporting it to protective services. I think they'd back the dad probably not believing you since they consider you a "nonbeliever."
I have to agree with Emma. I would report to protective services. Maybe you can do it anonmyous if you feel you need to. Elders will sit on it since you are not JW. You will have a hard time getting them to believe you.
I am with the two previous posters. Please call child protective services. In my state it is against the law not to report abuse to the authorities.
Please also talk to a victim advocate in the District Attorney's office or Police Department, if there are victim advocate services there. They are normally assigned to adult domestic violence cases, but sometimes take on child abuse cases as well. They can help you to get the kind of help the child needs.
I agree with everyone else, child protective services is your best bet. The elders will side with the father, and nothing will be done.
Yup, call protective services. Document everything. Take pictures of bruises, etc. W/o tangible proof the cong. will do nothing. Heck, they may do nothing either way, but with proof you have a shot.
Also, if you really want to protect the child you need the help of the authorities.
White Dove
I remember this subject in another thread. Follow what others said on the other thread, too. It is more of the same thing you have been told before. The elders won't listen to either of you for two reasons: 1. You and your Xdaughter-in-law are not JW's. 2. Both of you are female. It is a Taliban police state in all of the congregations. Male interests always trump female interests no matter how serious. This is from personal experience.
Actually, a few letters from you two would be a good idea so you can tell the authorities that the elders knew of it and didn't report it. Also, it would be a good thing for Silent Lambs and their cause just to add to the proof that JW elders don't care about people or the law and are 100% self-serving (ok, some are ok but stronger willed ones tie their hands).
what everyone else said - call child protective services, anonymously if it is better that way. Document as much as you can. Even if all you do is just keep a diary of what the kid reports. Photograph bruises. Take the kid to counseling if possible, when the mother has custody (I'm assuming shared custody.)
If you really want the elders to do something about it you must report it to the authorities (you should anyway) and/or print it in the newspaper. Pay for a large ad if you have to. The elders will finally act upon it because he will have brought reproach upon jah's org. My opinion would be to forget the jw's all together and be an advocate for the child, get the authorities to listen, take pics, take the child to a doctor for bruises, whatever. The doctor (in the US) is required to report it. Keep at the authorities until they help. Take the child each and every time, even reocurring headaches can be a symptom of abuse and an emergency room must report it.
Thanks for the info. Yes, this has been reported to the authorities since 2002. The police think this is an ex wife retaliating for my son remarrying. My son lives in Baraboo WI. It seems if you do not have money you do not get service or protection. I just thought a letter to the elders might help. HA HA