Need help sending a letter

by slvrtrixter 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Speaking from experience, the elders will do nothing if you send them a letter. They believe in corporal punishment and if a father carries it too far, well, that's his god-given right. The elders treat it the same way they do sexual abuse: they'll do anything to cover it up so as to protect the 'reputation' of the Organization.

    I would really start to bug Child Services. Tell them that if something happens to your grandson, you'll make sure that it's exposed that they had been warned for years about the abuse, and that they sat back and nothing.

    Keep us posted.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Two letters.

    One to Child Protective Services. Number two to the Branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses, including reference to the first letter. They will likely take some sort of action due to the danger of the matter becoming public knowledge locally. The local elders may be instructed to deal with the man under the 'light' of public authorities.

    Perhaps justice can be obtained from both sources this way.


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