by snowbird 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Whatever name is used may it be the best title in encouraging people to come out of the shadows and step into the light of real truth,and in doing so escape the chains of the evil cult .

    I remember hearing a word used in life insurance sales once. If there was someone who might be interested they were called a prospect.Well if the Borg has pioneers what is wrong with JWDF members using the term prospectors when refering to lurkies.

    You might get a lurker posting words like, " I have been prospecting around here for many a long day and love it."

  • Scott77

    Better call them the 'Curious minders' or a popular college term the 'undecided'. How about 'the dormant ones' or perhaps 'the Reality Checkers'

    Snowbird, I enjoy reading about your posts. You have like most of posters, a good flow and command of english language. So did you graduate from college?


  • Kudra

    I like "prospectors"!

    Or Looky-loos.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I have had a couple over the past couple years that have played negative games with me. One just recently.

    I hope we have thousands of them, peeking thru the keyhole and wondering just why this 'apostate' site has attracted so many seemingly 'good' folks, when they were expecting to see us all in a free-for-all orgy of sorts, drinking blood and praying to Beelzebub.

    I have made such good friends here on this site. From here I have met many fine folks, and have regular lunches with a few, phone conversations and email with others, and sharing of holiday cards and greetings with still others. I honestly never had an active Jehovah's Witness friend that equaled that. When I left - I absolutely lost everyone, proving that I never really had any friends at all within. But these xjws are the cream of the crop, the real deal, the good ones.

    Thank God I was a lurker for long enough to finally join the fray. My eyes almost well with tears of joy at how good this forum has been for so many. I don't pray anymore [at least not in the same manner, nor to the Judeo-Christian God], but I sincerely hope that millions tune in here and learn how to open the locks that bind them to a sales organization camoflauged as a religion.

    Thanx to whomever reopened this thread.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I don't see the need for a different name. Lurking is exactly what reading without posting is. Why reinvent the wheel?

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