This is a great docu. to watch it is 2 hours long but damm does it really make sense.
You must see!!
by [email protected] 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I just finished watching it. It fu&*ing blew my mind!!!! Some things I knew already others were new. It was wired to see what I have been feeling "instinctively" for some time. You know their is something wrong with the way things are but you can't put your finger on it. This put into words what I have been feeling for some time now. Thank you for that!
I am only a 3rd of the way through this and I am completely godsmacked.
I need to research this on my own from multiple sources. This may very well shake the foundation of everything I have ever believed and everything I ever "thought" I could believe.
If external, independent evidence supports this documentary, this could become the single most defining moment in my life. I cant believe what I am seeing............
Funny mixture of "what you want to see... you see"!
Half way through and I think it is very good, so far.
I can't agree with you Shazard when it comes to the 'religious' part. These facts are already well documented and long written about... As it said in my little girl's RE report, '....she knows that all that we know about Jesus comes from what is in the bible.' There is no other corresponding evidence except for rumour and myth.
An amazing amount of information squeezed into two hours.
Thank you for sharing. It was worth it....although, I know I won't be able to get most of it out of my mind for quite a while.
eddie c
Interesting movie. Not sure what point it is trying to make. Are we all suposed to smoke dope like Jimi Hendrix and Lennon and become hippys?. The idea of everyone having a `chip` in thier body sounds a bit like the `mark of the beast`. Not sure how the religious part fits in with the rest.
I do agree that we are manipulated by the media..."they dont want you think", why then would they,the powers that be, allow this film and others suchlike to be made and distributed?.Or is this film part of the conspiracy?. I need another cup of coffee.
drew sagan
Seems like a big take off of Davide Ike.
Didn't watch it to the end though. Hopefully they got into the reptilian bloodline stuff. -
Very interesting, though I don't quite get how the religious part fits? Seems a bit out of place in the over all scheme of things!
Tagging for future reference.
The tag line is:
"They must find it difficult... Those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority."
Keep in mind that this statement also applies to this movie as well. I watched the part about religion and while it presented interesting ideas I think they were grasping at straws for some points.
Pointing to any mention of fish signifying the age of Pisces is a far stretch at best and an example of a man pouring out water pointing to the time of Aquarius I think is wishful thinking.
It made excellent points about the different gods related to sun worship and I think a valid point about the nativity story.
I'm thinking he's giving far too much credit to the people of old of divining the specific length of an "Age" and building a belief structure around it.
Wishful thinking on someone looking back at the history of man projecting glimmers of intelligence based on modern knowledge.
The story of Horus was very interesting and I plan to research that more. I was surprised that the creators of the movie didn't expand on the Joshua/Jesus point more by identifying the name "jesus" was a misinterpretation of the original Aramaic which points to Jesus' real name as "Jeshua".
Worth watching, but I hope people don't disband their critical thinking process when watching a piece about lies in religion and government. :)