Have you overcome the feeling that you're not quite good enough? Do you feel better about yourself now that you've stopped associating with Witnesses?
Are You Plagued By Guilt, Still?
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses remain in the Organization, while having troubling doubts?
They can't bear to consider the alternative. It's frightening and overwhelming.
Edited: Hey minimus, you changed this up while I was posting. LOL!
I thought this topic was: Ask Any Question & Give An Answer
troubled mind
Hello my name is Troubledmind , and I am a recovering Guilt addict . I have been guilt -free for several months now thank you (((())) Still at times I fall off the wagon , and feel inferior in many ways to others, and then the guilt party begins .
I used to be continuously plagued by guilt, no matter how much I scratch, it wouldn't go away.
I went to a doctor and was told that it wasn't guilt, it was poison ivy. Life picked up after that. -
Guilt is a way of life for a JW. The whole religion is based on the thought that you have to do more, more, more.
I remember an assembly part years ago where they actually said that if you were comfortable with your life and level of service you were not doing enough. If you put in 20, 50, 70 hours a month without much effort, you were not doing enough. So, what I learned from that was that comfortable was not good. If I was not stressed out to the point of madness all the time, I was not doing enough. That is no way to live.
Old habits die hard, but I'm making headway. I know now that "comfort" is a good thing, the goal we all must try to reach. Guilt is destructive and achives nothing good.
It was the do more, do more syndrome that caused many to feel guilty. They felt that they were not doing enough. This constant bombardment, this constant trying to live up to Watchtower guidelines, feelings of inadequacy, being told that they we are the happiest people on earth, when we were not feeling that way emotionally, physically and spiritually has caused many to be plagued with inappropriate guilt.
There were times when I felt like that, not anymore, no guilt what so.ever.