Claire, is it medication that is making Ian feel so ill? I sent him a message to the hospital, here on line. I pray he will not feel so ill for long. Will you be printing this up to show him? If so, (((((((((Ian & Claire)))))))))))
by Physio 192 Replies latest jw friends
Aw must be breaking your heart to see Ian going through so much. You get such a helpless feeling when you can't do anything to make them more comfortable don't you?. I would have done anything to help my hubby when he was so sick..and I could do nothing..I felt so helpless.
I knew he wasn't a complainer and my heart hurt so bad for him.
Please tell Ian we are all thinking of him and wish him the best! My heart also goes out to you. You must be exhausted with all the worrying .
We love you both so much and wish we could be there with you, but know we are with you in spirit.
Big hugs and I will even say a prayer for you two. Something I have started to do again in the last year.
Sad emo
I send my love Claire and Ian.
Juni ~~
Do Not Call
Hi Claire,
I have just sent an e-greeting to Ian. Hope you are coping OK, please take care and all the best.
Love DNC xxx -
Have just got off the phone to Ian this evening, he's quite perky and feeling not too bad at all!!!!
Eating well (as far as hospital food allows) and doing as he is told by drinking plenty.
He's asked me to remind everybody that he wants to hear from YOU ALL via e-greetings so if you go on to 'The Christie Hospital' on google and click on 'send e-greeting' it'll make his stay bearable!!!! (There is also a link on the first posting ).
Thanks again for all the support so far.
Sad emo
So glad to hear he's feeling better today Claire - must have been last night's vigil vibes!
Sad emo
hope Ian is still feeling well today.
(((Ian & Claire)))
Been to see His Highness today. He's quite well and wants me to say thank you for the 55 e-greetings he's received and the card off Ian and Marie.
Will keep you updated.