If I handed in a paper like that ... I'd fail!

by Frequent_Fader_Miles 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Something always bugged me about the Society's publications. They'd always use phrases like "many persons do this" or "one expert says", or "many believe". The person being referred to or quoted is always veiled in obscurity. I often wondered, who really ARE these people? Do they really exist? Even as a rookie undergraduate student, the word bibliography was constantly drummed into my head. So much so, I could write one in my sleep!

    If I were to write a paper with vague references like those, I would get a failing grade in a hot second! The lecturer wont even finish reading the assignment! Don't the Society's writers (if you can call them that) even know what references or bibliographies are?

    Then again, why put references when you've taken the quote out of context, blatantly lied, or doctored the quotation.

  • hubert

    Then again, why put references when you've taken the quote out of context, blatantly lied, or doctored the quotation.

    You kind of answered your own question.

    I've always noticed that, too. How can they not see that this is a way for the W.T. to make up stories and never have to prove their sources.

    It's just like reading the enquirer or star magazines, where they say..."an informed person says".....

    I have to laugh when I read anything like that. Oh, and I don't buy those mags, I just read the cover page and laugh.


  • observador

    Exactly. They do that all the time. It used to upset me too. Things such as "in a certain asian country..." or "an officer in a african country said that...".

    What the heck????

  • FadingAway

    I asked my JW spouse about why the society allows that, it was something that bothered me. She told me that people say that the magazines are well written....

  • bigdreaux

    they do this for the same reason they didn't put the names of the guys that wrote the nwt. if you can check their credintials, you'll know what b.s. it is.

  • ush419

    Obscure references to Obsecure facts (oops lies) or half truths. If they put in the reference then they will have evidence that they lied. Haven't you ever noticed that some is a qualified bible expert if they agree with the society, and just another minion of satan if they don't? A failing grade for them once again. Wasn't there something before that said that the Italian Rags had to have references in them or am I mistaken. If so, then we should all be trying to get copies of the Italian Rags.

  • stillajwexelder

    I know. My professor was extremely strict on references and literature search/bibliography

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Would you quote someone who did not prove your point very well? Like Upton Sinclair!

    How about all the past WTBTS or Bible Student books prior to 1950s that are quoted like important historical books in the Revelation Book? Yet, the Jehovah Witnesses are not allow to read them to see if they agree or not with the publishers view points.

  • reneeisorym
    How about all the past WTBTS or Bible Student books prior to 1950s that are quoted like important historical books in the Revelation Book? Yet, the Jehovah Witnesses are not allow to read them to see if they agree or not with the publishers view points.

    Yeah and another rule is that you aren't supposed to quote YOURSELF when you write! Its like saying, "It must be true because I've said it before" WTF?

  • JK666

    Ah yes, college . . .

    "We don't accept WTS formatting, only APA or MLA. Get those works cited correctly!


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