Jehovah's Witnesses on BBC Homepage
by ThomasCovenant 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The stories on this site's front page change frequently. I don't see any mention of JW's on the front page.
If you had a link to the specific story therein about JW's, that would be more helpful.
It's showing at the top right under Articlesof Faith.Then Learn about Jehovah's Witnesses.
Then link is as per AlphaOmega's
Thomas Covenant
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sweet pea
Is it just me, or this totally contradicting itself?
<<In 2000 the Witnesses changed the rules on blood transfusions so that the Church would no longer take action against a Witness who willingly and without regret underwent a blood transfusion. Some people wrongly interpreted the change as meaning that Witnesses could now accept blood. But the actual change was just that the Church would not take disciplinary action against that Witness.
This was because the Church had no need to take action; the Witness concerned would no longer be viewed as one of Jehovah's Witnesses because he no longer accepted and followed a core tenet of the faith - i.e. the act of accepting a blood transfusion stopped a person being a Witness, without any further action by the Church.
If the Witness later changes their mind and repents of their action they can return to the Church.>>
I'm so glad they've clarified matters! -
Is it just me, or this totally contradicting itself?
<<In 2000 the Witnesses changed the rules on blood transfusions so that the Church would no longer take action against a Witness who willingly and without regret underwent a blood transfusionThis is now inaccurate. Since then, the JW's take the SAME EXACT action against people whether they are removed from the congregation by elders (DF'd) or if they remove themselves by request or action. (They no longer make a distinction ine announcement about whether it was a committee action by the elders or if the person had removed themselves from the organization.)
They announce "xxxxxx is no longer a Jehovah's Witness". It has the EXACT same consequences - the person whose named is announced is shunned and reviled.
sweet pea
Somebody ought to let the BBC know.....
Sarah Smiles
BBC is a great site to prove how doctines are different in UK than USA. Do you remember the change in doctrine with the blood issues? BBC was there. How about the WTBTS donating blood machines!
I really did not understand how the WTBTS donates blood machines in Europe, and yet I was told in the the USA that one could not even take their own blood.
Thanks for BBC Homepage.