I have a JW friend that is letting an illegal immigrant live with him. The brothers in his hall know his status (I wouldn't be surprised if half of them were illegal as well) but mention nothing about "obeying Caesar's laws." Anybody else ever notice this? It seems that the elders like to turn a blind eye toward breaking the law in this instance.
JW Atttitude toward Illegal Immigrants
by B_Deserter 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Turn them in.... see what happens.
It seems that the elders like to turn a blind eye toward breaking the law in this instance.
I remember reading a Watchtower on this very issue many, many years ago. The gist of the article was that the individual's immigration status was a personal matter and the congregation did not need to turn the individual in to the authorities. Can anyone else remember this - or even other -articles on the matter?
At the time I read the article, I had thought that the line of "reasoning" was very slanted towards keeping people coming into the organization regardless of immigration status and conveniently ignoring the scriptural injunction about obeying Caesar.
I had a JW boss that was second generation mexican immigrant and he would rant about illegal aliens all the time. His father came her legally so he had no sympathy for them.
They don't turn in the pedophiles, so why an illegal immigrant? Besides, that would be like turning down Jah's "loving provision" of an eager bible study who
feels obligated to the brothersshows zeal for the truth! -
They use the account of Philemon to justify this.
Without illegal immigrants the numbers in the USA would look pretty shabby.
maybe there are too many fading and they need to bolster the ranks with illegal immigrants
For the record, being an "irregular" alien, one who has not been "inspected" at a port of entry(commonly termed illegal alien) is a violation of federal civil law, not criminal law. And the WTS allows them no official positions in the congregation.
The other day I was thinking about a Hispanic family I knew in a KH as a JW. All of the sudden it occurred to me that they were mostly, if not all, illegal aliens.
While thinking about them I recalled a conversation where I was asking on of them about what their nationality was. She said she was born in Mexico. I then asked her when she got her green card and she told me she never got it because she would have to swear an oath. I then asked her how it was she was living in the US... she quickly changed the subject.
I remember reading a Watchtower on this very issue many, many years ago. The gist of the article was that the individual's immigration status was a personal matter and the congregation did not need to turn the individual in to the authorities. Can anyone else remember this - or even other -articles on the matter
Ok. but doesn't mean you take them into you're house and support or condon their crime. What about the having this one marked and bad association and all that crap, if someone has a cigerette they are demons, but you can break bread with an illigal imagrant, typical WT unfairness and their sense of justice has always been self serving.