JW Atttitude toward Illegal Immigrants

by B_Deserter 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • GoingGoingGone

    Illegal immigrants can get baptized, go in service, and enjoy approved status in the JW congretation. The men cannot be appointed elders or MSs, or have other 'privilages' like carrying the microphones or doing the sound or magazine counter.

    My 16 year old son had a discussion with one of our most knowledgeable elders in the field service car group this past Saturday about this very subject. He wanted to know why those breaking Ceaser's laws can be baptized and continue to break Ceaser's law with the congregation's full knowledge. The whole car group got involved, apparantly, and most were on his side. I don't care about the issue as much as I love the fact that he feels that he can stand up to any JW and ask questions that he truly wonders about, and receive answers lame enough that the entire car group of adults take his side.


  • steve2
    Illegal immigrants can get baptized, go in service, and enjoy approved status in the JW congretation. The men cannot be appointed elders or MSs, or have other 'privilages' like carrying the microphones or doing the sound or magazine counter.

    Firstly, I don't think the Watchtower Society is unique in its have-your-cake-and-eat-it approach to illegal immigrants, but I do think it is hypocritical. The organization often trumpets itself as The Truth and criticises the double standards of (all) other religions.

    Reality is, though, it doesn't count for anything in terms of 'upholding' principles that they permit illegal immigrants to get baptized and door-knock (very visible actions) but ban them from Hall duties or beocimng elders (invisible to the worldy authorities).

    In the final analysis, illegal immigrants are breaking serious laws - federal in the States, criminal in other countries such as New Zealand - and it doesn't matter one little bit that they have been "prevented" from Hall duties or from becoming elders. Big deal - they are breaking the law and the Watchtower Society promotes itself as giving Caesar what is Caesar's when it does not conflict with Scriptural matters.

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