Pity they forgot the rest of the scripture "but is patient because he desires all to attain to repentance". This is definitely not the message the JWs preach. Each day that Jehovah waits there are an additional 200,000 babies born that don't join the Watchtower Society and hence Jehovah is going to have to kill.
The start of the end of this system as we know it will be the fall of the WT society, the judging of Gods house, a lot of JW will be completely stumbled and thrown into confusion, if you read Ezekiel chap; 13 does not apply to Christedom, that is the problem with the WT interpretations of the scriptures they apply all the judgements and punishments to Christedom where is directed to Gods house, the ones that bear his name, Christedom were never in a covenant with Jehovah.
After that fall of the WTS and GB a new era of clean worship and many will stream to the org a different and cleaned out organization, and people will know who the true God is as well as the witnesses. They will been humbled.
Many believe Christs presence is not far of , (another erroneous JW teaching 1914) and the first thing Christ will do is clean out his own house. People may not believe that the witnesses could be Gods house, but they were the only ones teaching thar fundamental teachings of hell fire, trinity, heaven , hell and all the pagan teachings they corrected, and they did identify themselves as representing Jehovah by taking his name and becoming his witnesses, preaching Gods Kingdom, and basically that is all the work that is required of a Christian is to preach Gods Kingdom as Christ said to do, not all the other forms of slavery this corrupt org GB inflicks on Jehovahs people.
So 2Peter 3:9 will be fullfilled where many will run into the mountain and be saved through the blood of the lamb, those that seek Jehovah and their families will be saved.