Living forever in paradise earth...

by zeroday 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Warlock


    I know how you feel.

    It would have been better to not know, than to be in an "emotional limbo".


  • Hortensia

    "can't go back and can't let go" - reminds me of the time I fell in the Molokai channel near Maui - I couldn't swim at the time. Got on the dinghy but couldn't let go of the boat, boat went one way, dinghy went the other way. Oooooops in the drink I went. Managed to save myself, and when I came back to California I damn well learned how to swim. So honey let go of the boat, it won't save you anyway, and jump in the dinghy and row for shore. Or, circumstances will make you fall in, flounder around, and you'll have to learn to swim anyway.

  • Twitch


    Well said.

  • moshe
    my life as I knew it ended

    The JW life is a sorry one and , if you are still feeling depressed get some professional counseling or medical help from an doctor who can diagnose depression. Three years is long enough to wallow in the past. You should be enjoying life by now.

    Good luck.

  • Purza

    I am amazed at people like my husband. He knows he is going to die one day and he accepts that. I was raised from birth that I was going to live forever, I know that is not going to happen. I haven't totally accepted that, but I still feel there is time. I think a little part of me hopes there is something after this life. But since I don't know, I don't dwell on it. I take one day at a time and now I can't really remember being a part of that mind numbing cult.

    You will find a life -- it just happens. I desperately wanted to have friends again. Slowly but surely they appeared especially when I put myself out there. Yeah, it is scary, but so worth it. Try it. Try to just let go and see what happens. Invite people over -- possibly co-workers (that you like) and you might find that you can make friends outside of the JWs.


  • jaguarbass

    I understand what your saying. How do you move on from the bullshxt prospect of eternal life to the reality that you and everyone else is going to die. Life is the journey, not the destination. The journey was more pleasurable when the destination was nirvana. I've been out since 83, I really dont know what to move on to. The way I see it we just live and suck up the airconditioning until we die. Or as Loverboy once said were "Working for the Weekend. Regarding the feeling of Hopelessness, thats why there are drugs and alcohol. Then when they dont work you go to AA or Na and start the cycle all over again. I'm kind of kidding about the drugs and alcohol, at least about the drugs. I was a witnoid for 33 years, I am now 54. I deffinitely cant go back, because what they have is a lie. It is not the truth. I think I can kind of let go. But there is a numbness. I think I come here to relax. Some people watch tv. I dont watch tv. When I come here I can interact and participate. In turn that stirs up some feelings but by that time the alcohol kicks in and I can go to bed. Good night.

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