So non-flat-earthers - what do you think of those who accept a flat earth?

by AlanF 86 Replies latest jw experiences

  • hillary_step


    Just for the record, AlanF did not 'make light of your thread' as some of you seem to think. In fact he explained this to you in the thread :

    Another thought for AK-Jeff: I just posted a new thread parodying this one ( ). I'm not doing this just to be mean or to single you out or attack you, but to make a point.

    The point is that, to someone who has carefully examined the issues of the existence of the Abrahamic God, of higher powers in general, of evolution versus creation, and other related things, belief in creation is as devoid of rational basis as is belief in a flat earth, geocentrism or astrology. As with biblical creation, belief in these ideas is strictly based on a literal interpretation of the Bible and/or general irrationality.


    He was respectfully making a serious and valid point. I am often amazed at the level of sensitivity displayed on this Board by persons who feel that they actually have a right to raise controversial issues without being challenged. It is as if they are conducting the Watchtower and providing everybody answers robotically and does not rock the boat, then it has been a sucessful thread. If a challenge is made, then hurt feelings are often preferred to rational thought and frankly I wonder how some are able to function in the real world. Perhaps we all need to grow up a bit. HS

  • startingover

    Just my 2 cents on this thread.

    Since leaving my birth religion where most of the thinking on this subject was done for me, I have discovered how hard it really is to actually think for myself. I really found out fairly quickly that I am not as smart as I once thought I was. There are many on this board that post well thought out posts which require a lot of mental work on my part just contemplating them, posts that are way beyond what I am capable of responding to.

    My take on the creation vs. evolution, it's much easier to believe in creation. IMO to study evolution and find out what it really says is not nearly as easy.

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    I know that this post is tongue in cheek but I sometimes find it difficult to figure out if someone is sarcastic or not. So..

    Why don’t Australians fall off the earth? Why don’t Canadians fall off the earth? Gravity. As Stilla said "convention" states that Australia is south or "below". Man decided. None of us are upside down. If civilization started at the "South Pole" it may have been called "North Pole". Upside down, right side up, North, South, in relation to what?

    At one time people did believe that the earth was flat and if you got too close they thought they would fall off and yet the bible did state that the earth was round? How, if the bible is made up by primitive men with beards, did these men know this fact?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    I am often amazed at the level of sensitivity displayed on this Board by persons who feel that they actually have a right to raise controversial issues without being challenged. It is as if they are conducting the Watchtower and providing everybody answers robotically and does not rock the boat, then it has been a sucessful thread. If a challenge is made, then hurt feelings are often preferred to rational thought and frankly I wonder how some are able to function in the real world.

    Until I saw your post I had no idea he had 'informed' me of this. Nonetheless, my taking 'offense' at insult is neither unusual nor an insinuation that I cannot be challenged in my views. Perhaps you like being insulted. I do not. He could have chosen any of a dozen approached to challenge me, or he could have posted a thread that was not a parody of mine to make his 'valid' points. His choosing to do so is a clear indication of low self esteem and a desire to elevate himself at the comical expense of others. Your inability to understand that basic concept makes me 'frankly wonder how some are able to function in the real world'. My original thread was an attempt to bridge the chasm that exists between those who worship science and those who do not. My references were kind and did not attack anyone. I just ask for a free flow of opinion, regarding how those on your side of the aisle feel toward those on the other side. I did not attack. And I do not deserve to have my original post parodied in an unfavorable and sacastic light. In fact I asked that just this sort of shit did not happen. And the posters on that thread respected it. This thread invited insult and attack, and it's obvious reference to mine, makes it personal. My thread had nothing to do with 'flat earth' - the insinuation is insulting and if you can't see it, then get some glasses, oh intelligent one! Jeff

  • Warlock
    At one time people did believe that the earth was flat and if you got too close they thought they would fall off and yet the bible did state that the earth was round? How, if the bible is made up by primitive men with beards, did these men know this fact?


    The arrogance of modern man knows no bounds.

    Give him electricity and the computer chip, and he is oh, so superior, even though he still shits in the outhouse, that is now inhouse.


  • Gregor

    ...Sorry - no offence (sic) intended on either side of this aisle. I just don't see why we feel compelled to attack others, insinuating great lack of mental ability due to acceptance of something you have rejected. Never mind - I don't really want to know. But since I started the thread, I shall post it.


    This is AK-Jeff in a nutshell. After a bunch of stuff like asking if non-believers think he should just kill himself, etc. he finishes off with this really weinie conclusion wherein he apologizes just in case anyone took offense. I don't dislike AK-J, even though he called me an ass for having the temerity to disagree with the premise of a touchy feely thread which he didn't even start. Jeff suffers from a bad case of wanting to be liked and when others disagree with him he has a hard time with it. Not unusual, believers can dish it out but they can't take it. This makes sense if your beliefs are all written on tissue paper, like the WT Society which can't withstand a little rain.

  • Paralipomenon

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

    That aside, from reading AlanF's posts, I very much doubt he suffers from low self esteem.

    You wanted to know what it was like on the other side of the fence. AlanF allowed you to experience it via a parody. Personally I saw it as an extremely tactful way not only showing you how he viewed creationists, but let you experience his point of view.

    You were looking for a bridge to understand how the "other side" views creationists. You have the opportunity to walk in his shoes to understand, or to remain insulted.

    Just my thoughts.

  • journey-on
    journey-on are right on with that last statement.

    I'll probably be ignored as usual, but I'm going to say it anyway. IMO if you've posted on this board long enough and read others posts enough, you should get a little bit of an idea as to their personality. If you know someone is a big blowhard full of his own idea of him/herself, brace yourself and just be prepared to be overlooked or insulted and let it flow off like water on a duck's back. If you know someone tends to be a bit on the sensitive side and take things personally, take this into consideration when responding.

    It's just basic respect. The "faceless" aspect of board conversations sometimes makes people forget individual personalities are involved. I know in real life when dealing with friends or family members, I try to remember how they take things. Some have a great sense of humor and others are serious and just don't "get" satire or friendly teasing.

    All I'm saying is take the time to get to know people by actually taking the time to read what they post and how they post.

  • hillary_step


    Nonetheless, my taking 'offense' at insult is neither unusual nor an insinuation that I cannot be challenged in my views. Perhaps you like being insulted. I do not.

    Of course I do not like being insulted, though on a discussion Board it means very little to me as I recognize that insults might come with the territory, but this is not the point.

    I need to reiterate two points as they seem to have been misunderstood :

    1) Many people who hold to dearly loved beliefs view ANY challenge to these beliefs as an 'insult'. This Board is peppered with such experiences and this is why I suggest that some need to grow up and develop a thicker skin. For example, I replied to your post suggesting that Creationists are deluded. I believe that they are deluded, and if you are such a believer, that you too are deluded. You may view this as an insult, but it was not intended as such. I can think of no way, without being dishonest and fudging around the issue, of describing the Creationist stand.

    2) The second point is that if I post a thread with an obvious controversy attached to it, then I am sensible enough to recognize that people will react with controversial posts. It comes with the territory and to expect otherwise is a very naieve. Have you ever had a discussion with a person in 'real life' when you both became vigorous in defence of viewpoints and still remained friends? Why is it so hard to do this here? I have had some very, very hard discussions with some people here, but I hold no grudge, not even the semblance of a bad feeling toward these people. I hardly know them. How could I judge them on the one dimension that I see of them on this Board?

    This is not a Kingdom Hall, and a quick trip around the Internet discussion groups will evidence that at its very worse, this Board is rather benign in its reactions to posts.

    Will you now, having read AlanF's post accept that his thread was not designed to personally insult you? If you do it is evidence that perhaps you need to rethink this whole scenario Jeff.

    Best regards - HS

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Hillary - did not have time to read and chew on your post above. Will do so when I return. Honest.

    In the meantime, I am sorry if I have offended you Ma'am.


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