I told my wife and then my mom. I didn't have anyone else that I was close to. My marriage broke up a few months later. My mom never shunned me, and she passed away 6 months ago. I no longer have any cult members in my life.
by mtsgrad 20 Replies latest jw friends
I told my wife and then my mom. I didn't have anyone else that I was close to. My marriage broke up a few months later. My mom never shunned me, and she passed away 6 months ago. I no longer have any cult members in my life.
I had a JC meeting for apostacy (and a bunch of other crap they drug up from my past as ammo)
So I knew it was coming and had a week before it was announced.
I said goodbye to my mom, dad, and one side of my grandparents.
I heard that my aunt and uncle got upset because I didn't say goodbye to them. But honestly, I just didn't want to. ... It was emotionally draining enough to say goodbye to those 4 people that I loved the most ... I should have said goodbye to all 35 but I just didn't have it in me.
I'll never forget those times and I am very glad I did. I haven't talked to my grandparents since and I only talked to my dad once when he had a heart attack and once when I was having tests that looked pretty probably for cancer (thankfully the odds worked in my favor).
(On a side note, she subsequently got counseled by the elders for coming over to our house to talk to LDB "alone" while I, the wife, wasn't home. Give me a break! LDB is in his mid-30's and this woman is in her late 60's! What did the elders think was going to go on in my absence? Talk about control freaks!)They have some Sick minds!
Probably wouldn't have been as bad as it was for her if she hadn't brought out a 6 pack of beer as a thank you for work/training I had done for her. She wanted to talk business for awhile, so we shared a couple could ones. They wouldn't have found that out except that right after she pulled out of the driveway, pole-up-his-ass-and-loves-jehoober's-kingdumb elder dropped by. I still had the beer in my hand when I answered the door and it all went downhill from there. I always respected that sister. She was one of the good ones in the bunch.
I would say good-bye to them because I would think that your plan is to leave the Watchtower not your friends. The decision to not have anything to do with you is on their part. Right?
Anyway there is no nice way to leave the Watchtower. The minute you tell one of them what you intend to do the clock is ticking. They will be on in no time. You won't have time to go around shaking peoples hands wishing them luck. Most of them will either hate you or be terrified of you and that will happen overnight. At least that was my experience.
Sorry... I mean't "wouldn't say good-bye"
If you feel that strongly about the tower to DA, I guess would be careful who you tell why? if they regard you as an apostate maybe really hard for you. If you have a good support system (friends or family in or out of org) that is good, if not could be very lonely and isolated, if that is the case, why not fade.
I didnt say goodbye to anyone. If I had friends there, I would have stayed. If you want out you have to figure out that they are not your friends. Unless you are demented and crave conditional love. In that case I recommend Your erroneous zones by Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Then again why play by their rules and disassociate yourself.
I just stopped going and I can see associates and family without a problem.
My mother and brotther and sister dissasociated themselves and became pa·ri·ahs.
No One!
I have heard of people who knew they were going to be df'd and had a "going away" party to say goodbye to their friends! That is really sick if y ou ask me. These "friends" will consider you as DEAD so why say goodbye?
In my case I never "officially" DA'd myself or said goodbye to anyone. I just said "see ya later," to the friends at the hall on a Sunday, after the Watchtower Study. No one at the time, including myself, knew that that would be my last meeting.
Actually I said good by to a JW and his wife after I left. He was a mechanic who still had my car. I needed to pick it up. Word had not gotten around at the time that I left. (They were in a different congeration).