Harry Potter question from the last movie

by UnConfused 24 Replies latest social entertainment

  • UnConfused

    I don't read the books so I have a question.

    In the last movie when Harry went to where Lord V was brought back to life (if that was what happened) and the father of the blond kid wizard that everyone hates was there as one of Lord V's worshipers. When Harry got back he didn't seem to mention this fact to the folks. I would have been screaming about it.

    What ever came of that? Do folks know he's a bad guy?

  • mrsjones5

    He didn't mention it cuz it's already known...I've read the books...well most of them anyway

  • UnConfused

    WHAT?!?! You mean folks knew that the snotty kid's dad was a Lord V worshiper and he was able to come and go to HogWarts? How did I miss that?

  • TheSilence

    In the books... when Lord V is brought back to life and Harry Potter comes back... he names names of the death eaters. The problem is that since Fudge chooses not to believe that Lord V returned he has to also believe that Harry is making the whole thing up and therefore disregards his allegations.


  • UnConfused

    Thanks - but who is Fudge? I thought that the Chief Wizard with the long beard did believe Harry. I thought they all believed Harry actually.

  • TheSilence

    Fudge is the Minister of Magic. The "chief wizard with the long hair who believes Harry" is Albus Dumbldore, the headmaster at Hogwarts and he is one of the few who believe Harry that Lord V has returned.


  • Mary
    In the last movie when Harry went to where Lord V was brought back to life (if that was what happened) and the father of the blond kid wizard that everyone hates was there as one of Lord V's worshipers. When Harry got back he didn't seem to mention this fact to the folks. I would have been screaming about it. What ever came of that? Do folks know he's a bad guy?

    In the book, I can't remember if it's touched on in The Goblet of Fire, but the readers are sort of left to assume that after the shock and upset of Cedric getting killed, Harry would have told Dumbledore the names of the Deatheaters he saw in the graveyard then night he fought Voldemort. I can't remember if it's mentioned in Book 5, but in Book 6, Lucius Malfoy is arrested along with the other Deatheaters, because there's a scene where Draco Malfoy confronts Harry and is furious that his father's been arrested.

    WHAT?!?! You mean folks knew that the snotty kid's dad was a Lord V worshiper and he was able to come and go to HogWarts? How did I miss that?
    Just try to imagine Germany in the mid-1930s. No one really knew what was about to happen and Hilter was secretly and not-so-secretly, gathering followers who were also obsessed with the notion of "pure bloods". There would have been kids in school whose fathers were great admirers of Hitler, yet they still went to school everyday, as there was nothing illegal about admiring the creep. See the comparison?

  • TheSilence

    To be a bit more in depth -- Fudge does not believe it and coerces the editors of the Daily Prophet (the wizarding newspaper) to begin a smear campaign against Harry and Dumbledore and Fudge actually strips Dumbledore of some of his positions and titles outside of Hogwarts where he can. A few in the wizarding community believe Harry and Dumbledore, but most think that Harry is making up stories to get more attention and that he has hoodwinked Dumbledore who is getting old and therefore easily convinced. Some of the wizarding community simply don't want to believe that Lord V has returned, nor do they believe Fudge's explanation of events to be credible, and they therefore remain unconvinced of either side. It is not until the end of The Order of the Pheonix that Fudge sees for himself that Lord V has returned and Harry and Dumbledore are proven correct.


  • TheSilence

    Lucius Malfoy (the blond boy's father) is arrested after the incident at the ministry at the end of The Order of the Pheonix.


  • TheSilence

    but the readers are sort of left to assume that after the shock and upset of Cedric getting killed, Harry would have told Dumbledore the names of the Deatheaters he saw in the graveyard then night he fought Voldemort

    I would disagree that the reader is left to assume this. There is a scene where Harry is in the infirmary and Fudge and Dumbledore come in. Harry specifically names Malfoy, Nott, Avery and several others. Fudge makes the comment that Harry could have just gotten those names from transcripts of old hearings of those who had been cleared as death eaters.


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