Reading this thread ( ) triggered a thought for me.
My oldest brother showed me a magazine he had aquired and then hid it. I couldn't find it, so I wanted to get one of my own. I had actually been caught stealing a copy of Playboy from a pharmacy. Since I was young, I went through a child court system and they asked me why I felt I should steal it, why didn't I just buy it?
I was confused and said that I wasn't old enough to buy it. They quickly agreed, but that clicked something in my mind... why didn't I even try to buy it? End result was I had it on my record for a year, at which point it was erased, I went through a JC who focused more on the stealing aspect than what it was to be used for and I was on PR for a year. (they forgot to take me off).
After that, there was a small convience store that was renowned for selling cigarettes to kids so in the future I just went there and bought some magazines normally.
Now I have three sons, still quite young, but at some point they will hit puberty and will have these issues to deal with themselves. I am somewhat torn.
Do I admonish porn knowing that very well they may seek it out privately, perhaps falling into the same legal problems I did? Do I sneak them a copy of a tame magazine and tell them to keep it secret? That just doesn't sound like being a good parent.
Rather torn on the issue. Ignore it and hope they make correct choices? Supply it, but try to teach moderation?
Gah, anyone else have any thoughts/experience on this matter?