Changeling: That sounds just like my mom, except for the getting rid of objects-thing. It marked me for life, I didn`t stop checking under my bed and in the closet before bedtime until I was in my mid-twenties. Oh, they joy of jw-childhood
Demon Experiences
by gumby 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Is he the one that strikes unsuspecting women with yeast infections?
Better that than UTI's, no?
During my 3rd year as a study, I would hear the weirdest noises from the baby monitor as I tried to sleep. The red light would move left and right, which it did when noises were made in the room. I thought for sure there were demons. I would rush in the kids' room to see or hear nothing. Eventually, I threw out the monitors and didn't replace it. It was very scary for me. A few months later, I got on Zoloft and slept well, demon free.
From personal experience, as soon as you tell yourself there are no demons out there, guess what? Right! They simply disappear.
Very true.
My MIL doesn't have a demon...She is the LEADER of demons! The stories I could tell!
Actually I think she is bipolar and the HDH injections she has once a month make her disease worse.
Some of these stories include physical contact with demons, voices and other solid evidence. I had one bite me in the nutsack before.
Dear Brother Gumby: That was prolly either Heidi Fleiss or Rosie O'Donnell. Which one did you give 50 bucks to?
I've never had an experience with a demon nor do I want one. My paternal grandmother scared the hell out of us enough when we were kids I have an idea what it would be like.
Seriously though, you don't want to be screwing around with's like dealing with the Mafia: :"Once in, there is no out."
All I'll say is that: If I where a demon. (I'm not admitting to anything here... ) I'd definately spend my time doing something much more interesting then blowing candles out every once and a while when a 14 year old opens a peice of cardboard with the alphabet on it.
I wouldn't live in a coin and hope that someday somebody will nail me to their wall so that I can flick their light-switches.
I would not spend all day serving a drug addict.
I would not harrass old ladies for letting their grandkids watch the smurfs... (If I MUST harrass somebody it would be a young lady.)
I would not possess a bunch of pigs, and I definately wouldn't make them do something lame like run off a cliff.
I would not alter the molecular structure of a stairway to make it sound JUST LIKE someone walking down the steps.
But I'd probably get a kick out of proving my existance to sceptics and watching them squirm. Which is, ironically, the only thing people claim that demons DON'T do.
Back in the late 60's we had 3 young women in our congregation, who rented a house together. One of them was the sister of one of my good friends. They had a horrific experience one night and they all moved out the next day. I totally believe it really happened to them.
They were sitting around after dinner, and the air became heavy. They said it felt like the air was jell-o. Then things on tables started to move and float. Books flew against the walls. They all became very much afraid and ran outside and called for help.
They never wanted to talk about it with anyone, and the servants (before the elder arrangement) had told them not to sensationalize it or tell anyone. The one girl did tell her sister though, who told me.
Nothing like that has ever happened to me though. I would probably die of fear, or faint dead away.
Sarah Smiles
This makes me think about that one scripture where the apostles on the fishing boat thought they saw a ghost, spirit? Anyhow, it was Jesus!
Some say that they had ghost stories back in Christ time and that is why they thought they saw a ghost.
So did the apostles ever see ghost! I know they expelled them from people, and heard and saw what the demons did! But why say ghost if they did not see them!
Just wondering what you think?
Sarah Smiles
Also, in the book, "Revelation its Grand Climax at Hand, "it suggests that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communication of "divine truths today." Now, if these resurrected ones spoken of are dead members of the 144,000, Is this not necromancy/spiritism?
Hmmm! Now I think if God was going to use some one to communicate divine light he would not lie about it! Did you see my Revelation Post?
I was not a J.W. when this book came out "Revelation Climax", so I want to know how could anyone believe this stuff? And, how could any elder, want conduct the book study and lie to people?
I mean do you realize out of all the Revelation Christian books out there this one really is at the top of the list as far fitch and CRAZY! I should just believe in spirits taking over my body.
Excellent point Sarah, I never thought of that.
Supposedly people where getting themselves possessed all the time back then.
So if they DID believe in demons, and they DIDN'T believe in ghosts. Then why did they automatically assume it was a ghost and not a demon... Or possibly that guy that's been with them perfoming miracles for the past few years.