maybe the the three sisters had injested some sort of hallucinogin?inadvertantly?like some old rye bread or a bad mushroom pizza?sounds like they were tripping to me....
Demon Experiences
by gumby 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
nvrgnbk...i totaly agree w/your observation...ive thought the same thing many times....
Gumby..Ive never had any experiences with the supernatural..But..The "Evil Banana" lives in my pants..
..Does that count?..LOL!!...OUTLAW
So, what are we to make of those with such stories? Are they lying? Are they crazy? Are they simply too quick to believe it was demons when it was simply a glass sliding off the table, a light bulb has a short and goes on and off by itself, etc, etc, etc.?
Yes, all of the above.
My JW daughter removed all the items ( photos, tea service, plates etc. ) that were given to her by her Catholic Aunt because she felt the items were demon possessed and emanating a negative force field that were making her physically weak and tired.
A pitcher of Kool-aid just walked across my screen, was that a demon?
My above post is 666 . . .upside down ! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !
Experiences with spirits, yes. Demons, no. Demons were created by the watchtower to scare the crap out of their subjects.IMO
Well...Gumby, my uber dub x-wife has had experiences with demons. Apparently, the demon(s?) made her dub husband (that would be me) "read" a Playboy magazine and then, well...made my hand move in a peculiar fashion like on a Ouija Board...OK-OK...I got caught 'spanking the monkey', aw-right ??
Anyway, according to the ex, " must be demon(s), what other reason would make you do that ?" "Uh...I dunno, dear...must be demons." Wrong answer. When I got home the next day...the wifey had searched, gathered & burned a good size pile of some good stuff I used to own. Because, those things 'might' have been used or bought at garage sales, she suspected "evil slaves, apostates and of course...demon(z)".
I must say, tho'...all those demons were sure enough purdy. They were not "troublesome" to me at all and I felt the overall experience was stimulating.
Rabbit (I see purdy demonz)
In my teens I used to hang posters of Madonna on my bedroom wall with crosses and crucifixes in plain view. Nothing happened. Since leaving the borg I have regularly practised both yoga and meditation.... still nothing.
I was discussing this topic only the other day with the nice invisible man who makes my coffee every morning (kidding)