?Please explain Evolution to me in simple terms

by Guest with Questions 125 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Warlock
    Warlock: What makes you think our planet is the only one?

    I have no evidence to the contrary, but if there were, it would have been a "giant leap", either from the proximity of the earth, or that other planet, don't you think? What about all the planets in-between? Warlock

  • Inquisitor


    Firstly, if I say that "you and Marie share a common ancestor", is that the same as "you are a descendent of Marie"? No. Because in the first case, Marie could still be alive, but in the second case, she MUST BE DEAD.

    Similarly, it is different to claim (1) that humans descended from apes, compared to (2) humans and apes share a common ancestor.

    By the way, genetic studies show that humans are more closely related to APES (tail-less, large primates) than to MONKEYS. The 4 great apes are gorillas, bonobos, chimpanzees and orang utans. Of the apes, chimpanzees are closest to us. Do not confuse your apes with your monkeys. "There is no better way to insult an ape expert than to say that you love his monkeys!" - Frans De Waal, primatologist.

    Secondly, may we please have the English translation of "swin"? My dictionary cannot cope with your extended lexicon.


  • nvrgnbk

    The theory of adaptation:

    1.The ability of a population to expand is infinite, but the ability of any environment to support populations is always finite.

    2.Organisms within populations vary, and this variation affects the ability of individuals to survive and reproduce.

    3. The variations are transmitted from parents to offspring.

    Another way to refer to the above is: evolution by variation and selective retention.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Inquisitor -

    swin = swine/pigs

  • AlmostAtheist

    Warlock, I may have misunderstood your question. What I thought you were asking was, "Why did evolution only happen on Earth? Why didn't it also happen on some other planet?"

    Perhaps that's not what you're asking?

    I guess I'm saying, Can you restate your question for me?



  • Inquisitor

    Thank you, sad emo.

    In other words:

    they chose the monkey (just because it looks more like us instead of the swin (PIG?) which have more in common genetically) it looks like since there is no real answer it's easier even for a scientist to clame that the monkey is our ancestor.

    RAF, from where did you learn that humans are genetically closer to pigs than to hominids? I've only ever heard that pig insulin can be made very identical to human insulin to treat diabetes, but I've never encountered any claim that the pig/swine is our closest relative. Please show me the evidence.


  • Warlock

    Then I guess I am a fool and an ignoramus, but this fool could teach an 8 year old a very simple 70/10 SMA trading system and have them understand it. But as for the highest form of life just underneath man (choose any one you want), wouldn't have a clue and would never evolve into something that would.

    Just as a side question, why did evolution choose to stop here on planet earth, or did it start here and will soon travel thru space to the other planets?



    My original post.


  • PoppyR

    Thank you Dave for a reasoned and reasonable response. It makes sense,

    Evolution is something I am moving towards but years of all the 'answers' being given to me have left me with big doubts, such as those Warlock mentioned about other animals having nothing like the infrastructure humans do.

    No thanks to Inq, being called 'poppy dear' is just patronising and immediately removes my interest from anything else you said, you might like to read 'how to win friends and influence people' it's a fabulous book about how to get people round to your point of view WITHOUT making them irritated or take a dislike to you.

    This is a forum, therefore a public post will no doubt arouse debate, it would be a very uninteresting place if that were not the case. If my children ask me to explain something, I would encourage them to come back at me with 'but what if' because that encourages them to learn and question.


  • RAF


    Firstly, if I say that "you and Marie share a common ancestor", is that the same as "you are a descendent of Marie"? No. Because in the first case, Marie could still be alive, but in the second case, she MUST BE DEAD.

    The thing is that at the end it means the same thing same ancestor = same origine (which one ? you see what I mean or not ?) ... and 1 of my ancestors is still alive

    Apes/Monkey (I'm french if you don't mind) ... Now check about the swin/pork genetically ... And you'll see what I mean.

  • kerj2leev

    This is the most logical explanation I have heard in a while!


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