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by Core88 146 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Few words for you.

    Life does have some bright spots.

    Just have to hang on to be there for them.

    Glad so many wonderful people were there for you last night.

    You are loved.

  • eclipse

    You Should admit yourself to a hospital so that they can keep you safe from yourself.

    You need some anti-depressants STAT, you are having a chemical cascade reaction in your brain, and you are letting it spiral you into a black hole.

    the meds will help.

    You sound like a young man, probably barely into his twenties, and people of that age group have the highest rate of suicide.

    I know how you feel, I know what it's like to feel such soul-sucking despair. There is HOPE. There is a FUTURE. Do NOT give up on yourself.


    IT will be the best gift you will give to yourself and to your family that LOVES YOU.

  • dedpoet


    However things look right now, taking your life is not the answer.

    Please call one of the numbers people have suggested. Don't
    kill yourself, life is far too precious to waste a minute of it.


  • Brigid


    I do not know where on this earth you are but wherever it is, I hope you have found some amount of peace; either through a good night's sleep or just breathing in and out. Know that we are here.

    we are here




    and we care.

    When you do not know what else to do, my friend, just breathe. in and out. note how everything, starting with your breath, ebbs and and out. There is a rhythm to all and "bad" shall pass to "good" and "pain" shall pass to "joy", illness to healing...and so on. Always. Whatever God you call upon know that you are resting there with that are a beloved child of the universe, cradled in the bosom of the creator. You are welcome here on this earth. You are needed here on this earth. You have a right to be here.

    You are loved.

    You are more beloved than your imagination can bear....beyond measure

    Should you feel inclined to do so, please let us know that you still walk among us...motley tribe that we are, we do love and care for you.

    Love and Light,


  • JK666

    Corey, I am sorry that you were having such a terrible night! (((((((((corey)))))))))) Please let us know you are okay when you wake up. Just a few words will be fine, you probably will not be feeling too well. JK

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    Something you wrote in your reply took me straight back to my own attempt to end my life. You said it's like someone turned off all the lights.

    That is EXACTLY how I describe my experience to anyone I've told. I've been in that utter blackness.

    At that point I heard a voice, loud and clear. It said:


    I'm passing that same message on to you today. I pray you'll listen to it as I did. I can't promise that the journey will be easy, but I can assure you that you have friends here and near home who care and will help you carry your load, if you'll let them.

    Peace and healing to you

  • changeling

    I just signed on. I hope you took the wonderful advice given to you buy the caring people on this forum. We've all felt what you are feeling. But trust me, tomorrow WILL be better. Life goes in cycles, some good, some not so much. Ride this one out, you'll be glad you did.


  • Angry_Kangaroo


    You have friends here. You are not alone. Myself and many others on this board have been in your situation. I am disfellowshipped too. It hurts tremendously, but it does get better. You may feel like you wasted your life as a witness, but you got out. You can start over. We will be here for you, to listen, to advise, and to be your friend.



  • JeffT

    I'm coming into this thread late, I wasn't on line until now.

    On August 13, 2005 I made an attempt to kill myself. I ended up going into rehab instead. In the two years since I have rebuilt my life, the details may or may not be relevant, if anybody wants to know I guess I can start a separate thread, I don't want to do it here. Suffice it to say, I am extremely thankful I didn't succeed. I have a life and it's very much worth living.

    Get help. Now. The numbers have been posted here. Make the call, go see some one, post more; do something, anything, to keep from being alone. A friend of mine in AA frequently says that he needs to talk things out with somebody else, because otherwise he's trying to solve his problems by talking to a crazy man.

    There are a lot of us on this board pulling for you.

  • purplesofa

    I have not seen this thread until now. I will be glad when core signs on and lets us know how he is doing today.


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