Yeah, yeah - very funny guys. Seriously though, is there such a shortage in the organization of attractive, intelligent and articulate young men like my bro' that even a 30 year old would consider him marriage material?
To my knowledge, there has constantly been a shortage of male marriage material (MMM) in the organization.
Every MMM has been bombarded by attention from women much older and much younger (unless he was
a real loser). Most MMM choose the much younger ones, because... well, you know.
As noted before, the only real concern is that she is a sister. If you are worried about other stuff, just consider
that many women reach sexual maturity that matches a younger man's tastes. Many women become better
at cooking and finances, too. Most women outlive men, so the 10 years is irrelevant.
My main concern is that her biological clock is ticking, and she will use treachery to get her man so she can
have her baby. If so, he wouldn't see her true personality come out until after the wedding. If she learned from
the WTS, she already knows that you withhold information to get interest. She might not be who he thinks she
is. I would try to get that possibility into his thoughts.