Yeah Gumby I did notice it says "ALL" but the JW says that "ALL" only applies to the FDS class. Did it mean all or a few?
Who REALLY is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?
by gumby 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
one of the biggest flaws in the doctrine in my opinion. there is no explanation to it. more funny is it when you actually KNEW annointed ones who DID NOT agree with the GB. they marked certain truths as lies, but lived and died in faithfulness. she said she relys on the GB changing the doctrine with new light. it was the generation-doctrine (she died in 80s). and she said she thinks its wrong to set ANY dates including 1914 since there are no dates in the bible. smart woman. why did she sacrify her whole life to that organisation?!
When the master returns thats when we will know "Who really is the faithful and descrete slave"?
That is a good question why do only the GB members function as the FDS (as they perceive the FDS to be) there is a very obvious and mundane answer to the question and that is because the GB wants to have all power centralised in its hands because things won't work in the way they want if power is not centralised.
This org is in existence obviously in order to serve the hidden, the unrevealed, interests of a secret group of people therefore outsiders that are not privy to the conspiracy can not possibly be allowed into the inner sanctum of the WTS.
Hence this most revealing discrepancy in what they say and do. It shows them as power lusting hypocrites who claim that the WTS is God's org whereas in fact they treat it as a private enterprise belonging to those that inherited it (in fact grabbed it) from its founder.
The GB are the legal (according to manmade laws) rulers of the WTS the rest of the so called FDS members are not so they don't have a chance of getting any power even the ones that are spiritually and morally superior to the GB members. Clearly it is not the Holy Spirit that decides and appoints those who should rule but the laws of Caesar. Ultimately as with all other businesses authority is all down to the capital one invested or inherited from investors in the enterprise.
We'll be there sunday 6/3 and a good part of monday 6/4 before heading to Niagra Falls. Looking forward to seeing you again and also meeting new friends. You'll get a first look at blondie's new book "I am the faithful and discreet slave" Part of the blondies e canada tour. lol.
BTW, He was just joking. Blondie would never be a "slave." Blondie
Rabbit said: And ...this anointed future "ruler over the earth" had to use a head-covering in front of ME... an un-baptised publisher, putting in pioneer hours. I could not say the prayer before Field Service one Saturday, cause there were no official brothers there. So, to say a prayer, she found a Kleenex and covered her head...I was just a mere man and I out-ranked her.
Rabbit, I think this is one of the best examples I've ever heard that proves how totally screwed their interpretations of the scriptures can be.
They feel that the GB is a sort of elder body that acts as a spokesman for all of the anointed, the FDS.
And....they can use what scripture to back up such an arrangment? Even giving the idiots the benefit of the doubt on this one, why does the Governing Body---who are (theoretically) only part of the annointed/Israel of God/Born Again, not consulting the remaining 8,000 of their 'brethren' about doctrinal issues? It's common knowledge that the boys at Crooklyn do not consult anyone except their lawyers, about anything regarding to doctrinal or scriptural interpretations. In fact, they view the rest of the 'annointed' as being not much different than those of the 'Great Crowd'. Where does it say that Jehovah's Spirit will only guide 12 or 13 men at the top and not all of Jesus' brothers and sisters? Given their disastrous predictions over the years, coupled with the expos é of their insane protection of pedophiles and their willingness to let members die rather than accept a blood transfusion, perhaps the Governing Body members ought to reconsider asking advise from someone else.
the apostle Peter shows that such stewardship of the divine truths was actually committed to all the ‘chosen ones,’ all the spirit-anointed ones, of the Christian congregation. (1Pe 1:1, 2; 4:10, 11) Thus the entire anointed Christian congregation was to serve in a united stewardship, dispensing such truths.
Excellent scripture Brother Gumby ......Maybe you should ask one of your elders why the GB don't include the rest in their decision making, when that's clearly how it was done in the first century congregation.
the apostle Peter shows that such stewardship of the divine truths was actually committed to all the ‘chosen ones,’ all the spirit-anointed ones, of the Christian congregation. (1Pe 1:1, 2; 4:10, 11) Thus the entire anointed Christian congregation was to serve in a united stewardship, dispensing such truths.
So much for the contradictory claim of the GB that in the early church there was a body that operated in exactly the same that they do today. They are trying to justify the impossible, the concentration of power in the church (are they a church anyway?) in the hands of a very few individuals.
Clearly in the early church the Spirit shared gifts and revelations to all loyal members. The office of the local church bishop was the highest at that time.
The actual answer, as with most, is that JESUS HIMSELF turns out to be the "faithful and discreet slave."
That is, the witness organization was assigned a task along with other slaves in 1914. That is in the parable about the investing of the denari. But one of the slaves ends up burying that coin and not even putting it in the bank. So when the messiah arrives at the last hour "after attaining kingly power" he inspects all the slaves and he finds this one slave who buried the coin unfaithful. That one slave is the "sluggish" and "evil slave" who is the apostate GB of JWs. So they actually fail in their primary commission and become the evil slave. As a result, Christ himself must provide the "food at the proper time" to his followers after he arrives and thus it is HE who becomes, in the end, the true "faithful and discreet slave" to whom the Father gives ALL his belongings.
It's interesting that even though the Bible clearly says there was more than one slave commissioned, in fact TEN, which represents "earthly completeness", JWs think they are the only ones who Jehovah and Christ is dealing with. What happens with the witness organization is when Christ comes, finding it an organization that is mixed with sheep and goats, is he takes his sheep out of this oranization and brings them to "other sheep, not of this fold" which is a larger fold belonging to another slave that had a 10-fold increase.
So the true "faithful and discreet slave" to whom the master entrusts all his belongings, is actually the returned Jesus Christ, the messiah. But all the references to the "man of lawlessness", the "evil slave", the "sluggish slave", the Lamb-Dragon beast that comes out of the earth, and the "false prophet" and "The Rich Man" all refer to the GB of JWs.
The Dragon
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continue through Sarah. Isaac was born as the result of this miracle. When told to offer up Isaac, Abraham had faith that God would resurrect his son. He based such faith on God’s promise: "It is by means of Isaac that what will be called your seed will be."—Ge 21:12; Heb 11:11, 12, 17-19.
Evidence for genuine conviction was also involved in the case of those who came to or who were brought to Jesus to be healed. Even if not eyewitnesses personally, they at least had heard about Jesus’ powerful works. Then, on the basis of what they saw or heard, they concluded that Jesus could heal them also. Moreover, they were acquainted with God’s Word and thus were familiar with the miracles performed by the prophets in times past. Upon hearing Jesus, some concluded that he was "The Prophet," and others that he was "the Christ." In view of this, it was most fitting for Jesus on occasion to say to those who were healed, "Your faith has made you well." Had those persons not exercised faith in Jesus, they would not have approached him in the first place and, therefore, would not have received healing for themselves.—Joh 7:40, 41; Mt 9:22; Lu 17:19.
Likewise, the great faith of the army officer who entreated Jesus in behalf of his manservant rested on evidence, on the basis of which he concluded that Jesus’ merely ‘saying the word’ would result in the healing of his manservant. (Mt 8:5-10, 13) However, we note that Jesus healed all who came to him, not requiring faith greater or less according to their disease, nor failing to heal any of these with the excuse that he could not do it because their faith was not strong enough. Jesus performed these healings as a witness, to establish faith. In his home territory, where much unfaithfulness was expressed, he chose not to perform many powerful works, not because of inability, but because the people refused to listen and were unworthy.—Mt 13:58.
Faith. To be acceptable to God, it is now necessary for one to exercise faith in Jesus Christ, and this makes possible a righteous standing with God. (Ga 2:16) Those lacking such faith are rejected by Jehovah.—Joh 3:36; compare Heb 11:6.Faith is not the possession of all persons, as it is a fruit of God’s spirit. (2Th 3:2; Ga 5:22) And a Christian’s faith is not static, but it grows. (2Th 1:3) Hence, the request of Jesus’ disciples, "Give us more faith," was very appropriate, and he did provide them the foundation for increased faith. He supplied them with greater evidence and understanding on which to base their faith.—Lu 17:5.
The entire life course of a Christian is actually governed by faith, enabling him to overcome mountainlike obstacles that would hinder his service to God. (2Co 5:7; Mt 21:21, 22) Additionally, there must be works consistent with and in display of faith, but works of the Mosaic Law are not required. (Jas 2:21-26; Ro 3:20) Trials can strengthen faith. Faith serves as a protective shield in the Christian’s spiritual warfare, helping him to overcome the Devil and be a conqueror of the world.—1Pe 1:6, 7; Eph 6:16; 1Pe 5:9; 1Jo 5:4.
But faith cannot be taken for granted, because lack of faith is ‘the sin that so easily entangles one.’ To maintain a firm faith requires putting up a hard fight for it, resisting men who could plunge one into immorality, combating the works of the flesh, avoiding the snare of materialism, shunning faith-destroying philosophies and traditions of men, and, above all, looking "intently at the Chief Agent and Perfecter of our faith, Jesus."—Heb 12:1, 2; Jude 3, 4; Ga 5:19-21; 1Ti 6:9, 10; Col 2:8.