Who Rally is? The one caring for the flock when the master comes, seems like the FDS are more occupied with beaten the crap out of the sheep......thats why there is so many of us here.
Who REALLY is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?
by gumby 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Gumby, your intial question is the main reason that I can't logically believe in the FDS doctrine. It simply makes no sense by WT. belefs. It's a parable. That's it!
Sorry didnt scroll down far enoungh on the page. By thier own words that resposiblity would not be bestowed until the masters arrivial, the FDS arnt running ahead of Christ and taking it on now are they???
Because they were wrong with the 1914 date
I also knew one of the anointed a JW of 50 years who served the org faithfully and who had numerous objections to the way the GB behaved and to many of their doctrines. What he said made perfect sense and many of his objections are identical to ones made here but the GB control everything and to them the other "anointed" have absolutely no special status or relationship with God and nothing to offer to the "other sheep" except be humble, self effacing and give a good example in obeying the GB.
To be sure Jehovah gave them a monopoly of inspiration and authority at the exclusion of everyone else (what an unfair god) yet many are no doubt superior to them morally and spiritually.