a picture is worth a thousand words...ESPECIALY WHEN IT IMPACTS US WITHOUT OUR CONSCIOUS FILTER ie subliminal
Subliminal imagery in the WT publications
by icyestrm 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Here is a link to an explanation I gave a few years ago about The Watchtower subliminal art bullshit. I’m giving the link so I don’t have to retype the explanation here. Cuz I hate “F”ing typing…………………………………………………………………………………………… If someone (who is not posting with a Mac like I am) wants to make the link below live, knock yourself out…………………………………Dave……………………………………………………………… http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/63976/1.ashx
This topic has been thrown about, bounced about, hashed, and rehashed ad infinitum. There is absoutely no evidence that the WT has purposely put subliminal images into its artwork.
I find that statement rather laughable. Here is two samples of "subliminal" art pointed out by others only especially in the case of the face in the hand of Jesus it's not so subliminal! Now what many don't know, based upon their video of what goes on at WTS Headquarters, the Governing Body reviews every piece of artwork that goes out. So far from "missing" anything, they likely commissioned an artist to insert these images in the artwork. It's standard Freemasonry technique, subliminal art and subliminal messages.
So sorry, but saying that there is no such thing as subliminal art in WTS publications simply is irresponsible and inaccurate.
IN FACT, it was the first thing that started to shake my faith towards the WT, back in 1990...
There are many parameters. Some in this forum they believe it is accitental, or some have too much immagination...
I'm a photographer and a graphic designer. I have seen lot of images.I check various books with images. ONLY IN WATCHTOWER you can find Satanic images. There are obvious ones, and no one can doubt about them. It is not just an imagination
Watchtower from the begging had connections with Occult. This is a fact. Russell with pyramids, numerology, Rutherford introducing he book 'Angels and Women" the story of a fallen angel. Also Greber's demonic Bible.
Just to mention a few.
Watchtower indeed is a demon motivated organization. Just think what kind of God they believe by allowing small children to die by refusing a life saving blood transfusion, and they are claiming that this is God's arrangement!!! For sure not the Christian God who is love, will order His followers to allow their children to die. We have another God here...The WITCHTOWER'S GOD-SATAN
This was Dav'e earlier post.
I didn't post on your first thread concerning this issue because I was busy and this is about the sixth time this subject has come up on this board. Today I'm sitting around waiting for one of my 3D illustrations to render on my Mac, so I thought, what the hell.
First of all your definition of "subliminal art" << >> is just one of the many assumed definitions of subliminal stimuli. The concept of subliminal stimuli also assumed to include:
-Images of carefully contrived social situations and suggestive body language
-Blatant or artistically concealed symbols suggestive of powerful instinctual drives
-Faint or briefly flashed words or images
-Acoustically masked or backward messages in music
-Metaphor and other "hypnotic" language patternsOf these various kinds of "subliminal" influence, psychologists usually refer only to the briefly flashed words or images, and sometimes the acoustic masking, when they talk about marginal or subliminal perception. Those are the stimuli used in the subliminal priming experiments that produce temporary, weak psychological effects.
This form of so called hidden psychological influence which I commonly refer to as "bullshit" was brought to light and over reaction by those like you who buy into one well publicized urban legion.
This was the famous "buy popcorn drink coke" experiment done by the now debunked marketing research consultant James Vicary. In the 50's Mr. Vicary claimed he slipped still images into a movie and those images persuaded people to flow to the snack bar and buy popcorn and coke during the intermission of the movie. He claimed the Coke sales went up 18% and the popcorn sales went up over 57%. It, like your hidden imaging in watchtower publications is bullshit.Mr. Vicary's experiment was a scam developed by him in an attempt to try and sell his marketing research consulting concepts to eager and gullible advertising clients. When he was asked to prove his findings and show is actual figures obtained by his focus group he was forced to admit he made them up. The only real reactions he got from his little scam was to force countries to ban any kind of subliminal advertising in visual media. What is still being considered as a form of "subliminal stimuli" or "subliminal persuasion" now is in fact being called "Hypnotic writing" that is a complete different subject so I will leave it at that.
I have been in the advertising and illustration markets for over 25 years. I have had my illustration work published in books that also include some of the top illustrators and artist in the world. I have also been too Bethel by invitation of the Watchtower society to consult and do some training in the field of illustration as well as graphic and publishing department management. I have seen many illustrations published by the watchtower in their original form as well as worked with some of the illustrators who did the illustrations you have put on your site. With that in mind, I do think I am more than qualified to make the statement that your findings and your website is bullshit. That is not meant as a personal attack on you, but more to debunk "once again" this alien autopsy secret society of mind manipulating dog faces in robes whistle blowing bullshit.
If you think about it, what would a subliminal image of a dogs face or a goats head hidden in a robe force a person to do? Start a bible study with a group of farm animals? Give me a break!
If you really want to expose the bullshit about the watchtower why don't you focus on the things you claim you are "not trying to do" and expose the bullshit in their teachings or the policies that are being exposed by legitimate media groups? If you're attempt to sway attention from the actual crap the watchtower is pulling to this trumped up fantasy of hidden images in amateur illustrations done by untrained artist and directed by untrained and uneducated elder overseers as a way to make us all look stupid on this board I will continue to make post like this each and ever time you post a link to your Mickey Mouse site. By what you say on your site it is obvious you are still a JW and feel what they teach is true. If I am wrong, please feel free to correct me. If not, I'll be watching you!
I hope you understand.
Have a nice day and take care,
there are subliminal messages but these being in the images themselves...dunno
Justhuman : There are obvious ones, and no one can doubt about them. It is not just an imagination.
Whatever people think that it is few folks joking around in the WTBS designer dept or really intentional from the GB ... There are obvious ones, and no one can doubt about them
That's also what got my sister really questionning about the WTBS material ...