How private is your own computer?

by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Would it bother you if someone knew all the sites you go on and what you search for in search engines?

    I found this intersting article about this topic

  • restrangled

    If you can be googled you are in deep trouble.

    Because my guys are in this industry, I can't even find my name on line.


  • JH
    If you can be googled you are in deep trouble

    I wonder if elders ever try to google names of inactive ones just to see what they could find...

  • Anony-Mouse

    Now we can get some dirt on the elders!

    And I can also cover up the tracks from my dirty sites :P .

    JK....I use the Opera browser :P .

  • collegegirl21

    I think it would seriously creep me out if people could see everything I did online. I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

  • Finally-Free

    I found that site a few years ago. He's writing primarily about Windows 9x, so much of what he says is outdated, but not all. I suspect Windows Vista is much worse. I'm running Vista on one computer, and XP, 2003, Linux, and Solaris on the others. My computer that has my important data is never connected to the internet.


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Who cares? Wanna' see my tits?

  • Finally-Free
    Who cares? Wanna' see my tits?

    Just when I was thinking about firewalls, strong encryption, and zeroing out the white space on my hard drive, I am reminded of the "more important things". W

  • WTWizard

    With all the spyware out there, it probably isn't all that private. When used solely to send me business advertisements, it isn't too serious since I usually delete the spam that results. And, if I get offers for something I want, then I can look through them and answer the best of them. In fact, some of the better known companies probably know everything I have ever bought from them.

    It's when the hounders start snooping that things get troublesome. Some are identity thieves. Others want to clean out your bank account. The Puketower Society is likely a dangerous offender here: give them a small donation via a check or debit/credit card now and word gets to them that you ordered Christmas decorations, they could well start cleaning out your account at any time. Even if they don't confront you, they could use the sneak approach and start pilfering your bank account if they find you on those damn apostate sites or ordering nasties. And then they claim Jehovah is doing this to punish you, or worse they blame Satan.

    The simple fact is that I would rather trust my account numbers with those who are not going to abuse it. I have been to numerous apostate Web sites, and ordered Crisis of Conscience through Freeminds. I actually trust that they are going to be responsible with my money, using it to pay for the literature I order. And I have regularly ordered Christmas decorations from Bronners and Christmas Mouse, two sites that the Tower has demonized. If anything, I would be especially leary of the Watchtower Society and do not give them any information for any reason. And it helps if the hounders are left out of date on your email address, or if you even have a computer.

  • greendawn

    Interesting information, fortunately I gave up using IE back in 2004 due to security concerns there was too much spyware coming through it and other security holes were a never ending problem as soon as one was fixed another appeared. Opera and then firefox were all round much better browsers than IE and still are, though IE7 has to a great extend caught up with them.

    I always had a feeling that MS could hide files where they could not be found and erasing them was not real.

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