A business run by beancounters and having no entrepreneurs to take risks and provide vision and forward momentum is headed for disaster. Of course, this is a business we're unlikely to shed a tear for...
Are the accountants merely following a formula?
by OnTheWayOut 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They had Knorr the big beancounter, but since his death, there was all that expansion.
They were printing Cadillacs and Buicks instead of Chevy's. (At least on the outside)
There were divisions and departments created. The upper middle started getting
heavier. Like M.C. Hammer, they included many as many in the entourage as the stage
would hold as if the money would keep coming to take care of them.It was run like a business that was unaccountable for years. My real objective with this
thread was answered. I wanted to know if there was no real creativity, daring, boldness,
originality left. Apparently, there isn't.Thanks all.