You Must Push, Push, Push To Accomplish More, More, More
by The wanderer 37 Replies latest jw friends
That's why I stopped going. It triggered depressive episodes for me. When I was inactive my life was calmer and happier. Everytime I went back that destructive cycle would begin again
I can really relate to that! I have been my happiest since I quit. I found that I am happiest when I can accomplish something and then move on. No doing that as a JW. A person is never good enough as a JW..
thanks bigdreaux you're the best big brother I never had
eclipse, that made my throat jump. thanks for that. your timing is scary. i had it out a bit with my real sisters this weekend. you made me feel better.
I think you're an awesome big brother, I'd love to have you as my bro. Your sisters will come around, just give it time...
Back in 1977 at one of the District Assembly one of the speakers gave examples of many, pioneering and having full time jobs, mothers having 4 kids and part time jobs and still being able to dedicate 90 hrs a month to Jehovah.
In a very loud voice he asked the audience " Can you truly go in prayer to Jehovah and give him a good excuse for not pioneering, can you truly sleep at night with a good conscience if you are not pioneering?"
That question made everyone feel guilty no matter what their circunstances were.
I thought it was disgusting and a low blow to the friends.
As we all know even if you are doing everything you can, it will never be enough for the Watchtower.
The old men in New York forget that we work all week and need to relax in the evenings.The kids need to study and do their homework. They push you to attend the 5 meetings,go out in service and have home Bible studies with your family. That doesn't leave much time to do anything else. That is their whole point. Keep you so busy that you have no time for anything else.
They make you feel guilty if you miss any meetings,don't put in enough hours in service,don't attend the summer assemblies,don't sign up for the Ministry School,not having any Bible studies, and not reaching out for Eldership or Ministerial servant.
Their load is too heavy!
not only that, but, the more they have you do, the harder it is for you to reflect and realise what b.s. it all is.
And then when you finally do realize it's all b.s. and drop out, they say you were weak and couldn't live up to Jehovah's standards. I know this is the phrase I've heard my sister use many many times.
I couldn't deal with the guilt as a JW. I was constantly feeling I wasn't good enough, even though I pioneered straight out of high school and did everything I possibly could to be a perfect JW.
When I finally realized that the WT was false and that Armageddon wasn't coming any day now, I felt like I had just been given decades of life. I had been sure that I would have been killed at Armageddon because I wasn't good enough.
Freedom is a wonderful thing.